The Beginning of History
The Concept of History What does history deal with? When does it begin?
What Mankind, human societies, civilizations Developments in time Causes, consequences, decisions, conflicts, events, individuals Different from: anthropology, ethnology, archeology
When History: appearance of first written documents Pre-history: begins with appearance of „Homo Sapiens Sapiens“ around years ago, evidence: archeological findings How do we identify Homo Sapiens Sapiens?
Evolution First „Hominids“: 3 mio. years ago, upright walking, use of tools Homo Sapiens: about years ago (after Homo Erectus), use of fire, early language skills, development esp. of frontal parts of brain, production of shelters, „clothes“
Paleolithicum Transition to Homo Sapiens Sapiens Still: not history Developments of culture and arts Society: gatherers and hunters, social and gender equality, small groups Early settlements: e.g. Natufian and Chinook societies years ago: parallel existence of Neandertals Further developments: sculpturing ( years ago), bow and arrow ( years ago), cave paintings (Altamira, Spain)
Cave Paintings
Neolithicum Agricultural Revolution Earliest agricultural societies: SW Asia (9000 BC), Sudan (7000 BC), 6500 BC: cultivation of rice (China) „Slash and burn“ cultivation, rapidly spread Development of trade: spread of different foods
Consequences Increase of worldwide human population Emergence of settlements (8000 BC: Jericho) Specialisation of labour (pottery, metallurgy, textile) Social diversification (accumulation of wealth) Emergence of cities and towns: 4000 BC, Mesopotamia