An (almost) Automatic New Titles List ELUNA 2006 Poster Session Jean Moises, FCLA Lydia Motyka, FCLA Betsy Simpson, University of Florida
The University of Florida’s New Titles List Is a logical base within the UF catalog Catalogers flag new HOL records with a “NEW” field which is then indexed The logical base displays all bibs with “NEW” HOLs Based on a parameter, a “Flipper” program “flips” the “NEW” fields into “OLD” fields in a nightly run Re-indexing removes the “OLD” titles from the logical base
What makes the New Titles logical base (almost) automatic? Javascript in the WebOPAC compares “NEW” date in records against the system date and allows for data range searching (new within the past 7 days, etc.) without the need for html changes. FCLA’s “Flipper” program compares “NEW” date against system date in its nightly run, and automatically “expires” New Titles from the logical base, based on a ‘number of days’ parameter determined by the library. The process is (almost) automatic, because catalogers determine which records are New and mark HOLs with a macro, or mark batch loads of records as New. (This same macro also collects cataloging statistics. See the poster session "The Role of Macro Express in Generating Catalog Statistics" for details.)
The New Titles Logical Base
‘Quick Check’ (based on keyworded sub-library codes)
The ‘More Options’ Search (advanced)
How the New Titles Logical Base is Created STEP 1: Set up Aleph tables to create “NEW” and “OLD” fields and indexes and “New Titles” logical base (see handout for details).
How the New Titles Logical Base is Created STEP 2: New Titles logical base is created from bib WNW (NEW field) keyword index. [UFU_NEW UF New Titles List NEW UFU01 UFU01 Y WNW=new not (wst=suppressed or wst=deleted or wst=circ- created)]
How the New Titles Logical Base is Created STEP 3: Catalogers create “NEW” field in selected HOL records via macro (see handouts for macro). This macro is also used for cataloging statistics. FCLA GenLoad batch loader creates “NEW” field during loads.
The ‘NEW’ field in HOL Record
How the New Titles Logical Base is Created STEP 4: WebOPAC javascript uses dates in NEW field/index to limit by “new since” date range. (This is the ‘automatic’ part and requires no modification of the web page to update the date range selection.)
The Date Range Search Limit Javascript Creates this Search limit
Step 5: The Flipper Program Uses an “expire” parameter = number of days a title should remain on the New Titles List Compares the date in the NEW field against the system date “Flips” NEW fields to OLD fields based on the “expire” parameter Sends expired bibs through z07/ue_01 to re-index and remove “NEW” index entries Runs nightly
The ‘NEW’ field ‘flipped’ to ‘OLD’