Warm Up Read through the Presenting Instructional Content indicator on your rubric (1 minute) Watch this! clips/here-comes-the-boom/restoring- cells#.UjCd2vTx2nY.gmailhttp:// clips/here-comes-the-boom/restoring- cells#.UjCd2vTx2nY.gmail Turn to a neighbor and decide how would you score the teacher. (2 minutes) Be prepared to share out.
Norms and Expectations Be punctual and prepared Support each other by actively listening and staying engaged Stay on topic according to what is planned. Bring positive attitudes and be ready to share Feel free to ask questions (in the meeting, via , or drop by the office). Attend all NIET meetings, including makeup meetings for any approved absences with appropriate notification.
Meeting Objective By the end of the meeting, teachers will –Participate in a Think-Pair-Share after viewing a video clip about Presenting Instructional Content –Create a Hidden Weave foldable –Develop a plan for a future lesson using the PIC & LSP worksheet
Pflugerville High School School Goal School Goal: By the end of the school year, 75% of students will pass the ELA portion of the state assessment. All courses will support meeting the school goal by incorporating writing opportunities into daily lessons.
Annual NIET Meeting Goal By June 2014, all core teachers will be At Expectations (3) according to the NIET evaluation standards. All students will have achieved at least one year of academic growth in all core subjects.
Meeting Objective By the end of the meeting, teachers will –Participate in a Think-Pair-Share after viewing video clips about Presenting Instructional Content –Create a Hidden Weave foldable –Develop a plan for a future lesson using the PIC & LSP worksheet
Foldables What are they? –Graphic organizers –3D –Student-made –Interactive Why might we want to use them? –Provides an easy go-to resource –Engages students –Helps retention
Think back… Making a foldable to supplement instruction is a lot like some of the paper toys we used to make as kids.
The Hidden Weave Foldable Materials: 2 sheets of colored paper (usually 2 different colors) Scissors Ruler Writing utensil Time needed: 15 – 20 minutes © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 1.Holding a colored sheet of paper in the “landscape” position, fold it in half. Then fold the left edge in to the center and the right edge in to the center, creating 3 fold-lines. © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 2.Push face 1 and face 4 together, so they lay flat and face 2 and face 3 are back-to-back and standing up perpendicular to face 1 and © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 3.Measure equal increments on the fold between face 2 and 3. If you want 4 different writing areas, measure 2 1/8 inches for each section © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 4.Cut completely through faces 2 and 3 at the incremental marks you made in step 3, but stop when you reach the edge of face 1 and face 4. DO NOT cut any part of face 1 or face © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 5.From a different colored piece of paper, cut strips having the same length and width as faces 2 and 3. © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 6.Weave these colored strips in an alternating pattern into faces 2 and © Susan Scott
The Hidden Weave Foldable 7.When you push faces 2 and 3 together, and pull them apart in the middle, you have another pair of “hidden” faces inside that you may write additional notes upon © Susan Scott
Foldables How can they be utilized for ELA and SS classes? –Any topic –Vocabulary –Important Dates –Varying visual representations –Review
How was the Hidden Weave foldable lesson segmented? What visuals were used for the lesson? What analogies were made to connect learning? How did materials get distributed?
Presenting Instructional Content Presentation of the content always includes: Visuals that establish the purpose of the lesson, preview the organization of the lesson and include internal summaries of the lesson. Examples illustrations, analogies, and labels for new concepts and ideas. Modeling by the teacher to demonstrate his or her performance expectations. Concise communication. Logical sequencing and segmenting All essential information No irrelevant, confusing, or non- essential information Presentation of content most of the time includes Visuals that establish the purpose of the lesson, preview the organization of the lesson, and include internal summaries of the lesson. Examples, illustrations, analogies, and labels for new concepts and ideas. Modeling by the teacher to demonstrate his or her performance expectations. Concise communication. Logical sequencing and segmenting All essential information No irrelevant, confusing, or non essential information
Lesson Structure and Pacing All lessons starts promptly The lesson’s structure is coherent, with a beginning, middle, end, and time for reflection. Pacing is brisk and provides many opportunities for individual students who progress at different learning rates. Routines for distributing materials are seamless No instructional time is lost during transitions. Most lessons start promptly. The lesson’s structure is coherent, with a beginning, middle, and end. Pacing is appropriate, and sometimes provides opportunities for students who progress at different learning rates. Routines for distributing materials are efficient. Little instructional time is lost during transitions.
Planning & Reflection Planning & Reflection Let’s take look at the PIC & LSP worksheet (please turn in by November 15 th )
Meeting Objective By the end of the meeting, teachers will –Participate in a Think-Pair-Share after viewing video clips about Presenting Instructional Content –Create a Hidden Weave foldable –Develop a plan for a future lesson using the PIC & LSP worksheet