Ten Minute Math
Review Geometry What is a face? What is an edge? What is a vertex?
‘Mallow Shapes I am now going to hand out marshmallows, toothpicks, and recording sheet to each set of partners. No, you cannot eat the marshmallows. The toothpicks will represent the edges and the marshmallows will represent the vertices. Now, you will model 3D shapes by using toothpicks and marshmallows. Be sure to record your observations on the record sheet. Raise your hand when you have finished each 3D shape, so I can check out your work.
‘Mallow Shapes (Teacher Notes) Once all groups have created each model, bring the class back together and discuss the relationships on the chart that they have created. You will want to see if students see patterns in number of faces to edges, edges to vertices, and faces to vertices. Students will recognize some of these relationships. Use a hypothetical 3-D shape with a certain amount of faces. Have the students to tell you how many vertices or edges that the shape would have. Have the students review the parts of 3-D shapes. They may use their models to explain each part. Have students to write 2 things that they learned from this class on a piece of paper. They may hand this paper to you as they exit for their “Ticket-Out-the- Door.”
Interactive math Shape Rotation: Fling the Teacher: htm Find the Matching Pair: weight.html#MatchingPairs3Dshape
Independent Practice Step Up to TAKS 4 th Grade pg. 27 & 28.