ELL AMAO and Grad Rate Data ELL Outcome Improvement Group Oregon Department of Education July 21, 2015
Data Sources The following data sources were used to create this presentation school year data is the most recent data available at this time AMAO report Graduation cohort report – media file AMAO manual
Acronyms used in this presentation AMAO – Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives The accountability report on progress of ELs enrolled in districts. EL – English learner (aka ELL, LEP) A student who comes from a family with a home language other than English and has qualified to receive support in acquiring English based on an approved identification assessment. ELSWD – English learner student with a disability an English learner who has an IEP.
Additional terminology used in this presentation Limited English Proficient – name for current English learners and monitored ELs included in accountability reports. Included in graduation calculation as any student who was an EL at any time in grades Ever ELs – name for current English learners, monitored ELs and students who had been identified as an English learner since the school year. Never ELs – name for students who have not been identified as an English learner since the school year.
Additional terminology used in this presentation Current EL – students who have not exited an ELD program. Monitored EL – students who exited the ELD program in or Former EL – Students who exited the ELD program prior to
Additional terminology used in this presentation Cohort – a group of students who began high school(grade 9) the same school year. Graduate – a student who has completed high school earning a diploma (includes modified diploma) Completer – a student who has earned an Adult HS diploma, extended diploma, or a GED
AMAO 1 Data Oregon’s AMAO 1 calculation is a growth model based on a trajectory that all ELs will progress in learning English within 6 years, based on a beginning level of 1. Students meeting their individual growth target are included in the AMAO 1 numerator. Growth targets are established based on an academic peer’s progress on ELPA.
AMAO 2 Oregon’s AMAO 2 calculation is a two-part calculation. English learners are divided based on the number of years the student has been identified as an English learner. Districts must meet both AMAO 2A and 2B to have an overall Meet for AMAO 2. Students included in AMAO 2A have been identified as an English learner fewer than 5 years. Students included in AMAO 2B have been identified as an English learner 5 or more years. All students are included in their respective AMAO 2 denominator Students who are exited as proficient speakers of English are included in their respective AMAO 2 numerator.
AMAO 3 AMAO 3 is Oregon’s AMO growth model for the LEP (English learner and ELs on monitor status) subgroup. AMAO 3 includes: growth on reading and math and graduation rates. Over 70% of English learners are enrolled in grades K-5 thus some districts do not have an EL graduation rate. ODE has weighted AMAO determinations to address the difference between districts.
16 Districts meeting AMAO 3 Rated on Growth and Grad Rate – 8 Districts Must be 65% weighted percentage or higher Average number of ELs enrolled 1115 Range of EL district enrollment Districts meeting AMAO 3 also had an AMAO overall of MET Average number of ELs enrolled 1254 Range of ELs enrolled Rated only on Growth – 8 districts Must be 70% weighted percentage or higher Average number of ELs enrolled 213 Range of EL district enrolled Districts meeting AMAO 3 also had an AMAO overall of MET Average number of ELs enrolled 298 Range of ELs enrolled
Number of districts meeting more than one AMAO target AMAO 1 – growth in learning English & AMAO 2 – obtaining English proficiency. AMAO 1 – growth in learning English & AMAO 3 (AMO for the LEP subgroup). AMAO 2 - obtaining English proficiency and AMAO 3 (AMO for the LEP subgroup).
EL Graduation and Completer Rates
For Additional Information ODE AMAO web page ODE graduation rate