Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
This model views second language acquisition as the building up of knowledge that can eventually be called on automatically for speaking and understanding. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
Segalowtiz (2003) suggested that learners have to pay attention at first to any aspect of the language that they are trying to understand or produce. “Paying attention” means using cognitive resources to process information. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
Paying attention and limitations. Beginners and paying attention. Proficient speakers/listeners and paying attention. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
In addition, “practice” is part of the information process model that involved subconscious effort from the learner. “Practice” is important for the development of the automaticity of the language acquisition process. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
Other “information process models” have been explored by many researchers. Some researchers investigated the acquisition of L2 as “skill learning”. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
They suggested that most learning (including language learning) start with Declarative Knowledge (i.e. the knowledge of the THAT) and through practice, this knowledge may become Procedural Knowledge (i.e. the knowledge of the HOW). Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
Declarative knowledge may hinder the performance of the skill once it is automatized. Second language and the knowledge from declarative to procedural. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
On the other hand, changes in language behaviors are not attributed to “practice’, bit to ‘restructuring’. “Restructuring” refers to the qualitative change in the learners' knowledge. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
It may account for the sudden burst of progress. It may also account for backsliding (i.e. when the systematic aspect of a learner’s language incorporates too much or the wrong things) Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
Another concept from psychology is “transfer appropriate processing”. It suggested that information is best retrieved in situations that are similar to those in which it was acquired. Why? Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
Many researchers concluded that knowledge that is acquired through drill activity may be easier to access on tests that resemble the learning activities than in communicative situations. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani
On the other hand, if the learner's cognitive resources focused on the meaning in communicative activities, retrieval of specific language features such as grammatical markers may be more difficult. Miss. Mona AL-Kahtani