Square Numbers Everyday Math Lesson 1.7
Lesson Objectives I can rename square number factor pairs in exponential notation and standard notation. I can investigate the properties of square numbers. Along with the lesson objectives, I will also go over the essential questions and I can statements from the new standards.
Mental Math 3 x 7 4 x 8 9 * 6 6 x 4 8 * 3 8 * 9 8 x 8 7 x 8 7 * 6 3 x 9 8 * 4 9 * 7 9 x 9 6 * 7 6 * 9 8 * 7
Vocabulary Add the following vocabulary words to your vocabulary chart: Square number Exponent Exponential notation Students will fill in the words and their definition; they will add the formal definition as we go on in the lesson.
Math Message Use your counters to try to make a rectangular array with an equal number of rows and columns for each number: 14, 16, and 18. These counters should be on the tables, or given to students as they enter the classroom in order to save time.
Math Message Follow-Up How is a 4-by-4 array similar to a square? The shapes are alike. The sides of a square are equal. The rows and columns in the array are equal. Before proceeding with this slide, ask a volunteer to draw a picture of their array with the Interwrite Slate; ask another student to draw a square next to student one’s array. After going over the similarities, allow students to write the definition for square number on their vocab charts.
Investigating the Properties of Square Numbers With your assigned partner, complete journal pages 20 and 21. You will have 20 minutes to work, when you hear the bell, go back to your seat at level 0 and be ready to share your answers. If you finish early you may work on Math Boxes. Before students start the journal page, give them an opportunity to write the definition for exponential notation and exponent on their vocab charts. Go over journal page as a class when time is called. Also make sure students read instructions carefully as they are instructed on how to use a calculator exponent key to find answers.
Let’s Play Factor Bingo! With your assigned partner, read the directions for the game together. You will have 15 minutes to play as many games as you can. I will give each student a handout with the Factor Bingo directions on it since there is no SRB page to go with this game.
Exit Slip On your exit slip write a response to the following: Describe a square number and why it is possible to write a square number using an exponent. When you finish your Exit Slip, please turn it in to the basket and get a Study Link from the round table. The exit slip will be a formative assessment of how well the student understands square numbers.