Mathematics Advisory Council Conceptual Meeting February 17, 2009
Reason for Inception Across the nation, as well as in Schuylkill County, there is a steady decline in the % of students who score proficient in the Math PSSA from Gr. 3 to Gr. 11. Therefore, a Mathematics Advisory Council was formed to address this problem and to recommend best practices in mathematics instruction Kindergarten through grade twelve.
Overarching Goal The council will meet monthly to review data, conduct research, consult with experts in the appropriate content area and, most importantly, to network. The end result will be recommendations for best practices in the areas of curricular sequencing and instructional strategies.
Major Components to Foster Systemic Change in Mathematics Education Curriculum Professional Development Assessment Materials Support Administrative and Community Support
Topics to Be Addressed Retention Transitions Extra-curricular activities SES Lack of completing homework Lack of effort Lack of home support Meeting the needs of individual students Time for remediation and teaching required content Lack of skills to complete PSSA Motivation
Topics to Be Addressed Remediation for non-proficient students Teaching to the test Lack of basic math skills Transition difficulties Open-ended math problems Math literacy
Resources Needed What are successful districts doing? Individual best practices/strategies BER speakers Learning Focused Schools
Mission Statement Concise statement that reflects the overall goal of the group Does not need to state specific goals What is the purpose of this group?
Mission Statement
Next Meeting Agenda
Resources Needed