Steffen Kuntz / Noemie Bernede 15 January 2014 Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Benefits and implementation approach for the German TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Missions Steffen Kuntz / Noemie Bernede 15 January 2014
Airbus Defence and Space: Market leading products Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Airbus Defence and Space: Market leading products Eurofighter A400M A330 MRTT (Multi-Role Tanker Transport) Ariane 5 Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Satellites 15 January 2014
TerraSAR-X Public Private Partnership Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions TerraSAR-X Public Private Partnership PPP-motivation Data and Products for scientific applications → Public interest Commercial Utilisation of Earth Observation Data → Private interest DLR Project Management Ground Segment Operations Scientific utilization → Ownership of satellite and data Airbus Defence and Space Satellite Development Launch → Financial contribution to Satellite development Infoterra Service infrastructure Information Products Commercial utilisation → Financial contribution to Operations Profits have to be re-invested into follow-on projects (TerraSAR-X2) to secure continuity 25 April 2017
Interfero-metric Wide Swath Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Sentinel-1 vs. TerraSAR-X – Imaging Modes today & tomorrow Sentinel TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, TerraSAR-X2 TSX-NG Interfero-metric Wide Swath Extra-Wide Swath Wave Mode StripMap ScanSAR StripMap SpotLight XHR 5m x 20 m resolution 250 km swath 25m x 100 m resolution 400 km swath 5m x 20 m resolution 20km x 20km 5m x 5 m resolution 80 km swath 18 m 3 m 1 m 0.5m to 0.25m resolution << -23 dB Full Polarimetry (cross, dual, quad) Scene 10 km x 5 km New: Staring SpotLight 300 MHz, 0.25 m Azimuth resolution Scene 100 km x 100 km, up to 1.500 km in flight direction New: ScanSAR Wide Mode (maritime mode) 40 m resolution , >200 km Swath, up to 1.500 km² in flight direction Scene 30 km x 30 km up to 1.500 km in flight direction Extra High Resolution Mode 15 January 2014
C/X-Band Benefits (1/2) Complementing Sentinel-1 with TSX/PAZ Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions C/X-Band Benefits (1/2) Ship classification Complementing Sentinel-1 with TSX/PAZ Combine data-sets to meet revisit & coverage requirements (taking benefit of similar information content in C and X-Band) Cross-cue sensors using Sentinel-1 large area coverage with TSX/PAZ high resolution to identify small objects, e.g. icebergs, ridges, gaps in maritime environment or perform infrastructure integrity monitoring on land Support to defence driven requirements: Maritime: ship detection, search & rescue Terrestrial: site monitoring (IMINT/GEOINT) Support to non-defence driven requirements Maritime: ice monitoring/ship routing Terrestrial: law enforcement/risk awareness: oil/gas/minerals exploitation, infrastructure integrity Airplane classification Ice detection Surface Movement 15 January 2014
C/X-Band Benefits (2/2) C/X Band Operational Benefit Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions C/X-Band Benefits (2/2) C/X Band Operational Benefit Sentinel TSX/TDX/PAZ Complementarity Increased coverage and monitoring frequency Additional Information Combining different resolution and C/X Band content Ship Increased coverage and added capacity to survey large areas worldwide Ship detection with S-1 and ship classification with TSX in the same area Surface Movement Provision of a high monitoring frequency Large scale movement rates (S-1) Small scale detailed movements (TSX) Disaster Warning, Fracking, Pipeline monitoring GEOINT/ IMINT Increased scene density CCD for smaller objects, detection of smaller targets Agriculture Increased coverage Improves yield estimation Forest Quick coverage to cover in acquisition window Detection of crown disturbance 15 January 2014
Sentinel and TerraSAR/PAZ Mission Timelines Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Sentinel and TerraSAR/PAZ Mission Timelines 1995 … 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Sentinel 1A Sentinel 1B TerraSAR-X TanDEM-X PAZ (incl. Exact Earth AIS payload) TerraSAR-X Next Generation WorldSAR HRWS 15 January 2014
Application: Landslide Risk Inventory & Monitoring in Norway (1/3) Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: Landslide Risk Inventory & Monitoring in Norway (1/3) Source: WAHL, 27.09. 2012 15 January 2014
Application: Landslide Risk Inventory & Monitoring in Norway (2/3) Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: Landslide Risk Inventory & Monitoring in Norway (2/3) 263 potential unstable slopes identified so far in Norway Large areas still unmapped Unable to instrument all unstable slopes; necessity for periodic monitoring Frequent acquisitions necessary to see movement within a season Flexible acquisition geometry necessary due to highly variable topography/movement direction Sentinel-1 possible for large scale mapping/monitoring High-resolution such as TerraSAR-X necessary for individual high-risk sites Source: John DEHLS, NGU, 2011 15 January 2014
Source: John DEHLS et al. 2011
(M. Schlund; Airbus Defence and Space 2013) Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: REDD - Reference mapping in Kalimantan (Indonesia) (M. Schlund; Airbus Defence and Space 2013) 15 January 2014
Application: REDD - Reference mapping in Kalimantan (Indonesia) Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: REDD - Reference mapping in Kalimantan (Indonesia) Same land cover distribution in general Monostatic classification more noisy Bistatic classification with more level of detail Degraded areas Shrubland Classification with monostatic features Classification with bistatic features 15 January 2014
Change fraction in 1 ha grid cells in Kade Forest Reserve (Ghana) Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: REDD – Forest degradation monitoring Change fraction in 1 ha grid cells in Kade Forest Reserve (Ghana) 15 January 2014
Application: Infrastruscture integrity Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: Infrastruscture integrity Urban Uplift (City of Staufen, Germany) 15 January 2014
Application: Integrated Maritime Security & Safety Services Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: Integrated Maritime Security & Safety Services Complementary capabilities of optical & SAR sensor systems Ship Detection & Tracking Service Oil Spill Detection Service Sea Ice / Iceberg Monitoring Service Kompsat 2 © Spot Image Frigate Merchant ship © JRC Kompsat 2 © Spot Image Merchant ship Merchant ship TerraSAR-X StripMap © Infoterra GmbH TerraSAR-X StripMap © Infoterra GmbH 15 January 2014
Application: Ship Classification Synergies between Sentinels and the Contributing Missions Application: Ship Classification Heritage HS Mode (26.08.2011) Very high resolution mode – unique TerraSAR-X capability Operational: Q2 / 2013 Approx Resolution: 0.8 m x 0.25 m (sl.rg x az) New Staring Spotlight Mode (28.09.2011) 15 January 2014
Thank you very much for your attention! Contact Prof. Dr. Steffen Kuntz Phone: +49 7545 8 9966 Mobile: +49 171 711 0340 Email: Noemie Bernede Phone: +49 7545 8 3641 Mobile: +49 171 977 0414 Email: