Warm Up 10/9/13 Read p in History Alive, section titled “Alfred T. Mahan: The U.S. Must Become a Great Sea Power”. Answer the following questions Who was Alfred T. Mahan? What did he think was the key to greatness? What 3 things did Mahan want? (paraphrase these!)
White Man’s Burden According to Kipling, in your own words, what is the white man’s burden? Highlight/underline some stanzas or versus you think really show what the burden means. Give some examples of the “burden” the white man have to endure.
Search for Missing Bride Continues. Bride Missing! Groom’s Family Blame History of Mental Illness. Headlines
Explosion of the U.S.S. Maine, Havana Harbor, February 15, 1898
Cuba Colonized by Spain Cuba = rebels. Fighting for independence! Spain was thought to be brutal Sugar, Sugar, Sugar! (again) **Business for America U.S. abolished tariff on Cuban sugar in Production skyrockets! In 1894, tariff brought back. Cuban’s
War for Independence Jose Marti Journalist/poet, launched a revolution Used active guerrilla campaign. American opinion split Support Spain to protect investments. Enthusiastic about rebel cause. Cuba Libre!
Yellow Journalism Reporting that exaggerates the news to lure new readers. Legit reports of Cuban suffering/sensationalized stories. American sympathy for Cubans deepens.
McKinley sends U.S.S. Maine Sends Maine to Cuba to protect American lives and property. February 15 th, 1898 U.S.S. Maine explodes. Sinks. Around 260 out of 350 American officers and crew died
So… Who Sunk the Maine?
Awake United States! This song was rushed into print between the sinking of the Maine on February 16, 1898 and the declaration of war on April 25, Eagle soar on high, and sound the battle cry! How proudly sailed the warship Maine, a Nation’s pride, without a stain! A wreck she lies, her sailors slain. By two-faced butchers, paid by Spain! Eagle soar on high, And sound the battle cry Wave the starry flag! In mud it shall not drag!
1. Read through Journal document and Times document and fill out “Guiding Questions”. 1. With a partner, answer/discuss the questions that follow. 1. Discuss with class
War breaks out! “Remember the Maine” U.S. public ready for a war! elt-fights-in-spanish-american- war#roosevelt-fights-in-spanish- american-war
The Philippines Roosevelt ordered Pacific fleet to to sail there in case of war George Dewey Sails to Manila Bay and destroys Spanish fleet. His victory leads to more troops in the Philippines Troops joined to help Filipino rebels fight Spanish troops surrender to Americans (not Filipinos )
Invasion of Cuba U.S. Navy strong! Army small and not so strong. Not enough guns to go around Troops outfitted with woolen uniforms (wool in Cuba?) Officers (Civil War vets) just reminisced
Rough Riders Volunteer cavalry Led by Roosevelt San Juan Hill Victory for U.S.! Credit to Roosevelt and his Rough Riders
Treaty of Paris *****Asks for….. 1. Cuba to become independent 1. Spain to give Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States 1. U.S. would pay Spain $20 million for the annexation of the Philippine Islands
To Annex or not to Annex? Great debate among U.S. citizens on what to do. What IS Annexation? Incorporation of some territory into another entity (usually smaller region into a bigger region) NEXT TIME- in class debate on the Philippines Annexation
Ticket out the door! Answer the following writing prompt (1-2 paragraphs) Which account on the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine is more believable? Why? Does the difference in accounts matter? Why or why not.