By: Madison Eberhart 4 th Period
When Spain controlled Cuba, President McKinley sent a ship ( The U.S.S Maine ) to Havana Harbor. This ship was supposed to protect American owned businesses and people who lived in Cuba. The Maine exploded, for reasons which are unknown, and many people blamed Spain because the US was in Havana to protect Cuba. Yellow newspapers such as the New York World and the New York Journal took this opportunity to write false facts and stories.
HOW DID IT START SUPERHERO BECAUSE WE WERE GOING TO HELP CUBA GAIN THEIR INDEPENDENCE FROM SPAIN Reading false news stories and reports, America decided to help Cuba gain their independence from Spain. The first battle of the Spanish-American War took place in Manila Bay, Philippines.
Only one person died in this short battle of seven hours. After the battle, when the smoke cleared the Spanish had been defeated.
Teddy Roosevelt Assistant Secretary of the Navy at beginning of war Created volunteer fighting group- Rough Riders Elected Governor of New York soon after war Two years later, Roosevelt was elected Vice President for William McKinley When McKinley was assinated, Roosevelt took the position of president. He sent the great white fleet to show the Eastern Hemisphere how powerful the USA’s military was and that he was not afraid to use those forces. Used big stick democracy ( using force to get what you can not have with just asking or for what you have already been denied) to get what he wanted.
The Spanish- American War ended in less than four months and about 5000 people died, mostly from diseases such as malaria and yellow fever.
Because of the Spanish-American War, The USA gained control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippine Islands. Cuba gained their independence from Spain and the USA became a world power!
Why Did the USA want the Panama Canal? Shorter route to other side of America Joined the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Would improve trade with Pacific Nations Only one navy would be needed for entire USA
Columbia controlled Panama in 1903 and would not give the USA permission to build the Panama Canal. Roosevelt helped the people of Panama over throw their Columbian dictators so that the Canal could be built. Many workers died of yellow fever or malaria in the ten years that the Panama Canal took to be built.
With the Panama Canal, gaining Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippine Islands, the Spanish- American War, and the USA becoming a world power, the years of were truly a success!!!