Oral penicillin prescribing for children in the UK: a comparison with BNF for Children age-band recommendations by Sonia Saxena, Zareen Ismael, Macey L Murray, Charlotte Barker, Ian CK Wong, Mike Sharland, and Paul F Long BJGP Volume 64(621):e217-e222 March 31, 2014 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice
Unit doses of amoxicillin prescribed by age-bands in Sonia Saxena et al. Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e217-e222 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice
Unit doses of penicillin V prescribed by age-bands in Sonia Saxena et al. Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e217-e222 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice
Unit doses of flucloxacillin prescribed by age-bands in Sonia Saxena et al. Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e217-e222 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice
Average amoxicillin dose for prescriptions to treat ‘otitis media and related inner ear infections’ (error bars represent 95% confidence intervals). Sonia Saxena et al. Br J Gen Pract 2014;64:e217-e222 ©2014 by British Journal of General Practice