True or false All measurements in science are accurate and precise. One digit is always estimated.
How close a measurement is to other measurements precision
How close a measurement is to its true value accuracy
10 6 m =1 Mm
g =1 pg
Complete the following conversion factors: 1 µL L10 -6
Complete the following conversion factors: 1 mg g 10 -3
Complete the following conversion factors: 1 pm m
Complete the following conversion factors: 1 ng g 10 -9
Complete the following conversion factors: 1 Mm m 10 6
Complete the following conversion factors: 1 Gm m 10 9
Convert 2 km to m m
Convert 24 g to kg kg
Convert mg to g g
Convert 11.9 g to mg mg
Convert 604 mg to kg kg
Convert 1011 mm to cm cm
Convert 1011 mm to dm dm
Convert 1011 mm to hm hm
Convert 0.44 Mm to m m 4.4 x 10 5 m
Which measurement is largest? 380 pm 300 nm 24 µm 1.1 mm
Which measurement is smallest? 580 dam 7 km 2.4 Gm 1.1 Mm
Which measurement is larger? 3800 g or 3 kg 3000 g
Which measurement is smaller? 780 mg or 0.5 g 500 mg
Which measurement is larger? 50 dam or 6 hm 60 dam
Which measurement is smaller? 3 km or 25 hm 30 hm