Professional standards and their classroom application Module 2 Professional standards and their classroom application
Module map Introduce ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines and SFLL Discuss how these documents are shifting methodology towards the proficiency/assessment era Deeper analysis of Proficiency Guidelines with OPI demonstration Introduce TESOL and WIDA Standards Explore EFL Standards of a country of your choice.
Straw poll Text someone the some of the following questions: What are some reasons why you’d consider learning another language? Why did you learn a second language? How proficient could you be if you took 2/4 years of college “language?” Could ask about 1 semester, high school, middle school, # of months abroad, etc.
Straw poll results Many of my students will speak Spanish To understand the culture and language- be more helpful and it would expand “brain knowledge.” I was forced to learn language. More job opportunities and visit a country that speaks that language To help me talk to people at work that don’t speak English, put on resume, fun, travel, increased wages To communicate with people in other countries Communication Assistance or understanding in emergency situations (while travelling) It’s f*ing cool To be more employable New languages are cool. I learned English because it was the spoken language being used in school
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines: The inverted pyramid
How the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines came to be National interest in having proficient speakers of foreign languages. Legislation and task forces that began the work of creating assessments Modern Language Association Educational Testing Services Foreign Service Institute Worked to adapt the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale into a workable model for academia ACTFL continues the work which then culminates into the Proficiency Guidelines
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines Mark a shift from focus on methodology to focus on outcomes and assessment (50). Historical events that further fueled this shift World Wars I & II September 11th 2001 Led to additional legislation and task forces – National Security Language Initiative in 2006 for critical langauges; Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Farsi, etc. Start young, emphasize critical languages, expand foreign language teacher workforce and resoruces
Standards for Foreign Language Learning (5 Cs)
Standards for Foreign Language Leaning Collaborative effort between ACTFL, AATF, AATG, and, AATSP. Diverse 11 member task force from these organizations who developed the 5 Cs document. Currently undergoing a new revision Divide class into two groups. Groups will then compare the two versions of the standards using the following questions as a guide for discussion: How have the standards changed? Why have they changed?
Content vs. performance standards Look at the performance standards on p. 54 of text. Select a content standard from the SFLL and outline 2-3 performance standards accordingly.
Standards for Foreign Language Leaning Re-imagining the 5 Cs. Each student will be assigned a random method. Then, develop some sort of visual representation of the 5 Cs as they would have been interpreted by that particular method. Regan - GTM Stephanie – ALM Ellie - TPR Irma – Communicative Approach Annie – Cognitive Method Tiana – Your choice