A spreadsheet is a programme which stores data in a grid. Many people use spread sheets as an online calculator instead of working lots of calculations out on a calculator because that can be very frustrating. Using spread sheets make it easier to change information because it automatically does the math. People who use spread sheets in everyday life… ~Accountants ~Scientists ~Marketing managers ~Teachers ~Doctors
A worksheet (also known as a spreadsheet) is a sheet of columns and rows which makes up to cells which various types of data and formulas can be entered. Each row and column numbered or headed with a letter. This is an example of a sales person.
On a spreadsheet, all of the little rectangular boxes on the rows and columns is named a cell. Every different piece of data entered into excel is always stored in a cell. There are billions of cells in each worksheet, in the newest version of excel, there are over 17 billion cells in each worksheet! To keep track of where the data is, a cell reference is used. This is the letters and numbers which are above the rows and columns.
Rows run horizontally in an Excel worksheet. They are identified by a number on the header. In Excel 2003, there are 65,536 rows in each worksheet. In Excel 2007, there are more than one million rows. A row is a grouping of cells that run from the left to right of a page. Numbers are used designate each row’s location. Row
Columns are a core part of any spreadsheet program such as Excel. Columns run vertically in a worksheet. Each column is identified by a letter in the column title starting with Column A and running through to Column XFD, this is so we know where to locate them. In excel 2003, the standard amount of columns were 256 but in excel 2007 and 2010 both have 16,384 columns.
Formulas in a spreadsheet such as Excel are used to carry out calculations. Formulas can range from mathematical operations - such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The is a formula bar shown above the row headings. It displays the data or formula in the cell being used. The formula bar can be used to enter or edit a formula, a function or data in a cell.
Like formulas, functions begin with the equal sign *=* followed by the function's name and its information. The function name tells Excel what calculation to perform. The information is contained inside brackets. The most used function in Excel is the SUM function, which is used to add together the data in selected cells. You can use Excel functions to perform mathematical calculations. The functions that are used are.. IF, SUM, AVERAGE, COUNTIF, MIN, MAX, COUNT & MODE. The function used here is SUM, which adds it together.
An Excel macro is a set of instructions that can be performed by using a keyboard shortcut, or an icon in a spreadsheet. Macros are used for a shortcut, so you don’t need to repeat the steps of tasks over and over again. This is how to record a macro… This button is where you create the shortcut to perform the macro. You find the macro button by clicking on view
Adding conditional formatting to a cell in Excel allows you to apply different formatting options, such as color, to a cell or information in a cell. Its a tool that allows you to apply formats to a cell or a group of cells. An example could be a cell could be bold when the number is greater than 100.
Locking cells is mainly used to restrict entry, locked cells cannot be changed. Lock certain cells in a worksheet and the other cells are unlocked so they can be filled in. An example of certain locked cells is a quiz. The locked part is the questions and numbers of the questions so they can’t be changed, but the answer boxes are unlocked so they can be answered. How to lock cells in a worksheet… Format cells – Protection – Locked – ok