School Administrators’ Perceptions of Secondary CTE Teachers’ Teaching and Learning Professional Development Needs
John Cannon, Ph.D. Assistant Professor CTE: Occupational Education College of Education University of Idaho Penny Tenuto, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Leadership & Counseling College of Education University of Idaho Allen Kitchel, Ph.D. Associate Professor CTE: Business & Marketing Education College of Education University of Idaho Russ Joki, Ed.D. Professor Leadership & Counseling College of Education University of Idaho
Introduction Higher expectation of student achievement No immunity for CTE teachers from pressure (Horne, 2010) Positive relationship between student achievement & teacher quality (Segiovanni, 2009) Identifying professional development needs is part of national CTE research agenda (Lambeth, Elliot, & Joerger, 2008) Responsibility for Educational leaders to facilitate professional development opportunities for teachers Identification of teachers’ (including CTE) educational needs is a segment of the leader’s responsibility
Conceptual Framework Danielson’s (1996 & 2008) Framework for Enhancing Professional Practice: 1.Planning and Preparation 2.The classroom environment 3.Instruction 4.Professional Responsibilities (foundational piece for this study) “Continuing development is the mark of a true professional, an ongoing effort that is never complete” (Danielson, p. 115, 1996). School leaders provide teachers with learning opportunities necessary to enhance professional practice (Marzano, Waters, & McNulty, 2005). “Administrators bear a certain responsibility for establishing and maintaining a culture of professional inquiry within a school” (Danielson, p. 17, 2008).
Conceptual Framework: Instrumentation Borich Needs Assessment Model Effective tool for identifying needs of CTE teachers Collects ‘perceived level of importance’ and ‘perceived level of competence’ teacher competence Allows data to be weighted and ranked in order of priority Used in other needs assessment studies: Kitchel, Cannon, & Duncan, 2009; Duncan, Ricketts, Peake,, & Uesseler, 2006; Garton & Chung, 1997; Joerger, 2002
Previous Research CTE Teachers’ Professional Development Perceptions (Using Borich Model): Teaching students to think critically and creatively Motivating students to learn Integrating science standards into the CTE curriculum Teaching problem-solving and decision-making skills Designing and developing digital age learning assessment (Cannon, Kitchel, Duncan, & Arnett, 2011; Kitchel, Cannon, & Duncan, 2010) Other Research (Crews & Bodenhamer, 2009; Wichowski & Heberley, 2004; Ruhland & Bremer, 2002; Heath- Camp & Camp, 1990) : Classroom management Curriculum development Student motivation Integration of academics Reading programs Working with special populations Student motivation Time management
Research Objectives 1.Determine the characteristics and educational background of Idaho public school administrators; 1.Describe Idaho public school administrators perception of the importance of specific areas of teaching and learning and their perceptions of CTE teachers’ competence in these areas; and 2.Determine public school administrators’ perceptions of professional development needs for Idaho CTE teachers in the specific area of teaching and learning.
Methodology Descriptive survey research – web based survey Population: Idaho Secondary School Leadership (N = 457) Data Collection: Spring 2011 – Census – Response/Participation Rate: ~48% (n=219) Survey Instrument: Background Characteristics & CTE Items – 32 Teaching & Learning items rated on two distinct Likert type scales Importance Scale: 1=Not Important; 2=Little Importance; 3=Somewhat Important; 4=Important; 5=Very Important Competence Scale : 1=Not Competent; 2=Little Competence; 3=Somewhat Competent; 4=Competent; 5=Very Competent Survey Instrument: Content Validity – Pilot Tested – Usability & Clarity Analyzed: SPSS/Excel (descriptives, MWDS)
Methodology 32 T&L Items IMPCOMP MWDS Ed Leader’s Perceptions of CTE In-Service Needs
Obj. 1: Determine the characteristics and educational background of Idaho public school administrators Gender – Female = ~24% (n=54); Male = ~74% (n=165) Age (~98% 35 yrs or older) – <=35 = 4.0%; = 25.8%; = 44.7%; = 22.9%; >=65 = 5.1% ~96% had been a teacher from a variety of content areas – ~10% were previously CTE teachers Years of Administration Experience - yrs (~79% > 5 yrs, ~52% > 10 yrs) – 1 st yr. = 2.3%; 1-2 = 2.7%; 3-5 = 15.8%; 6-10 = 27.5%; = 37.8%; >=20 = 12.6%
Obj. 2: Describe Idaho public school administrators’ perceptions of the importance of specific areas of teaching and learning and their perceptions of CTE teachers’ competence in these areas Highest Rated Teaching & Learning Item by ImportanceIMP M IMP SD Teaching students to think critically and creatively Motivating students to learn Teaching proper safety practices in the lab Teaching proper safety attitudes in the classroom Teaching problem-solving & decision making skills Classroom management
Obj. 2: Describe Idaho public school administrators’ perceptions of the importance of specific areas of teaching and learning and their perceptions of CTE teachers’ competence in these areas Lowest Rated Teaching & Learning Item by ImportanceIMP M IMP SD Utilize database software (e.g., MS Access) Utilize graphic design & publishing software Utilize website development software Use digital tools for on-line instruction Use digital tools for face-to-face instruction
Obj. 2: Describe Idaho public school administrators’ perceptions of the importance of specific areas of teaching and learning and their perceptions of CTE teachers’ competence in these areas Highest Rated Teaching & Learning Item by CompetenceIMP M IMP SD Teach proper safety practices in the lab Teach proper safety attitudes in the classroom Classroom management Utilize productivity software (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software) Teaching students to think critically and creatively Teach problem-solving & decision making skills
Obj. 2: Describe Idaho public school administrators’ perceptions of the importance of specific areas of teaching and learning and their perceptions of CTE teachers’ competence in these areas Lowest Rated Teaching & Learning Item by CompetenceIMP M IMP SD Utilize website development software Use digital tools for on-line instruction Utilize database software (e.g., MS Access) Utilize graphic design & publishing software Design & develop digital-age learning assessments
Obj. 2: Determine public school administrators’ perceptions of professional development needs for Idaho CTE teachers in the specific area of teaching and learning. Teaching & Learning Item MWDS RANK ADMIN MWDS ADMIN Motivate students to learn14.68 Teach students to think critically and creatively24.57 Integrate reading standards into the PTE curriculum34.44 Integrate writing standards into the PTE curriculum34.44 Design & develop digital-age learning assessments54.15
Conclusions & Implications The findings will be used to inform professional development planning for Idaho CTE teachers, curriculum decisions for CTE teacher preparation programs, and future in-service needs assessment surveys. Determining professional development need of CTE teachers is part of the national research agenda for the profession (Lambeth et al., 2008).
Conclusions & Implications Idaho CTE teachers have also identified “Teaching students to think critically and creatively” & “Motivating students to learn” as the most important competencies (Cannon, et al., 2012). Idaho CTE teachers held perceptions that they were most competent in teaching safety and classroom management, similar to findings of this study (Cannon, et al., 2012).
Conclusions & Implications Top ranked perceived professional development needs: Motivating students to learn Teaching student to think critically and creatively Similar to findings of CTE teacher perceptions (Cannon, et al., 2012,; Kitchel, et al., 2010) School leaders value CTE curricula as an effective delivery system to reinforce academic skills in reading, writing, math, and science.
Recommendations Idaho CTE program managers and teacher educators should use the findings to develop meaningful and engaging professional development activities for CTE teachers; Researchers in other states should replicate this study, further revising and refining the instrument; and The instrument should be given to state CTE program managers, thus adding another dimension to determine accurate professional development needs.
Thank You! Go Vandals!