Student InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy 100% of QVHS students will complete a job shadow with a reflection prior to their senior year. Career Coordinator position needs to remain for organizational purposes. Class meetings, “opportunity board” announcements, district communication mechanisms, individual student contacts Students completing a personal project related to their chosen career pathway will complete a personal career plan as well as an oral presentation. Business (career) plan template, updated personal project guidelines Class and Gr. 10 English meetings, individual student contacts
Student InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy 100% of 8 th grade students will participate in a pre- career exploratory experience with reflection. Collaboration between 8 th grade counselor, Career Coordinator, & business community Class meetings, announcements, district communication mechanisms, individual student contacts 100% of 5 th grade students will participate in a career fair and complete a career- research activity. Collaboration between elementary counselors, teachers, Career Coordinator, & business community; Facility and workshop scheduling Recruiting strategies including written and oral communications, class meetings, district communication mechanisms 100% of 3 rd grade students will complete a career unit that incorporates areas from each of the four strands Collaboration between elementary counselors and teachers. Computers, Materials Classroom instruction by counselors & district communication mechanisms
Staff InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Building-level faculty meetings explaining the Career Standards prior to small-group (grade-level) meetings. Time to present during in- service days, presentation plan and PowerPoint Staff meeting schedule; e- mail of helpful links (including standards) Teachers will complete surveys, to enable the team to fill in the gap analysis. After analyzing data, the team will go back to teachers, making them aware of gaps in CEW standards. Career Coordinator’s time in scheduling meetings with coordinators, surveys, our big crosswalk Discussions during professional development time and follow-up discussions about the gaps
Staff InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Teachers will be asked to meet by grade/department level to make a plan for filling in the gaps. Teacher investment and administrative support, a system of accountability Professional development time Continue participation of teachers in “Educator in the Workplace” experience, inviting Middle School and High School teachers. TRWIB, AIU connections, business community’s continued support, Career Coordinator, and teacher volunteers Teachers who have already participated will share their experiences with other teachers
Parent InterventionsImplementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Develop a parent webpage targeting Career Development K-12. Informational sources about economic needs of region; career development; activities parents/children can complete together Web video of career information Announce through district communication mechanisms Announce in local newspapers Place announcements at public library, community center, and YMCA Provide career education at public venues including sporting events, performances, etc. Create brochures/flyers & find location Distribute flyers Improve attendance at Career Night. Coordinate with high school information night for rising freshmen Early announcement to “SAVE the DATE”—ongoing reminders to students/parents to attend
Business and Community Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Establish QVSD Advisory Board, inviting local business members, chamber, Rotary, Kiwanis & TRWIB members, CTC and post- secondary institution representatives, parents, QVHS students and QV teachers, & district administration. We will invite Jay Cannon & Mike Thompson to come to the initial meeting. Our goal is to have a minimum of 2 meetings during the school year to establish our CEW goals and plans for achieving them. --View Top 50 area employers --Establish pathways for our regional needs along with contact names, Pittsburgh Regional Compact --Venue, dates, funding (TRWIB?), food, establish purpose & agenda --Letter followed by phone calls for initial invitations --Establish a listserv for continued communication
Postsecondary Interventions Implementation NeedsCommunication Strategy Lunch & Learn-- Invite student speakers from CCAC West Hills Center, PTI, Art Institute, Culinary Institute, other technical schools. Establish schedule for speakers Give speakers an agenda Give students reflection questions Daily announcements, individual invitations