Gottfried Leibniz By: Jhael Cortes
Little Gottfried Born in Leipzig, Saxony on July 1 st 1646 Father died when he was six; this library ended up being where he learned Latin. When he was seven he had access to the university of Leipzig
Big Gottfried Attended his father's former university and got his Master's degree in philosophy, and a Doctorate in Law at the University of Altdorf He practiced many traits; Philosophy, Physicist and Mathematician
Philosopher =| [think...think...] He had a thinking side to him, I know shocking Q= Gottfried's Works (published books): Discourse on Metaphysics, and Monadology. But since this isn't a psychiatry class...let's go on
Mathemetician He developed [inifinitesimal] calculas independently from Isaac Newton Life long dispute with Newton, Keill and others whether he had or not Notable Accomplishments: Integral sign ∫ Elongated “S” Stands for the Latin word “summa” “d” Italic d Stands for the Latin word “differentia” Used for differentials
Summary Gottfried was a very well educated man learned in a variety of subjects; law, physics, mathematics, etc. Despite having had feuds with other mathmeticians of the time he still left a footprint in the history books...most notably that elongated S “ ∫ “ and “ d “ which we use today. To be honest...all I learned was what he learned. By that I mean I didn't understand a single thing he did. Calculus is confusing!
Sources bniz.html bniz.html id=60985