Overview of LHCb Computing Requirements, Organisation, Planning, Resources, Strategy LHCb UK Computing Meeting RAL May 27/28, 1999 John Harvey CERN / EP-ALC
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 2 Outline qLHCb data handling requirements qProject Organisation - scope of LHCb Computing qThe DAQ and ECS project : goals, projects, milestones qSoftware : strategy, projects, milestones qCommunication : Meetings, videoconferencing, documentation, web
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 3 LHCb Data Acquisition System
200 kB100 kB 70 kB 0.1 kB 10kB 150 kB 0.1 kB 200 Hz LHCb datasets and processing stages
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 5 Data Volumes Assume run for 10 7 secs each year Data type Rate /secVolume /year a) Raw data 20 MB/s 200 TB - b) Interesting physics data 1 MB/s 10 TB c) Simulated data (bx10)10 MB/s 100 TB d) Reconstructed Raw14 MB/s 140 TB e) Reconstructed Sim 7 MB/s 70 TB f) Analysis data 4 MB/s 40 TB TOTAL 550 TB
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 6 Data Storage Requirements
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 7 Processing Power Requirements
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 8 CPU Resources Assumption is that the cpu power / processor in 2004 will be ~4000 Mips CPU Resources at the experiment data production and triggering 1,400x1000 Mips 350 nodes reconstruction 800x1000 Mips 200 nodes Total 550 nodes Event simulation and reprocessing (4 month duty cycle) monte carlo production1,400x1000 Mips 350 nodes reprocessing, event tag creation 800x1000 Mips 200 nodes Total 550 nodes Physics Analysis physics production10 groups 10 7 kMs/refinement/week 46 nodes user analysis kMs/job *2 /week 91 nodes Total 137 nodes
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 9 Data Rates Raw Reconstructed TagsAnalysis User AnalysisPhysics analysis 660 MB/s360 MB/s DAQReconstructionReprocessingSimulation 4 MB/s 20 MB/s 14 MB/s 20 MB/s14 MB/s35 MB/s DATA REPOSITORY
Process for Organising Computing Activities Manage Plan, initiate, track, coordinate Set priorities and schedules, resolve conflicts Support Support development processes Manage and maintain components Certify, classify, distribute Document, give feedback Assemble Design application Find and specialise components Develop missing components Integrate components Requirements Existing software systems Build Develop models, Evaluate toolkits Architect components and systems Choose integration standard Engineer reusable components
Manage Project Organisation Support Facilities CPU farms Desktop Storage Network System Man. Vendors IT-IPT Vendors IT-PDP Vendors, IT-ASD Support Software SDE Process Quality Librarian Training Webmaster MM Build Architecture Components Frameworks(GAUDI) Glue A Libraries clhep, GUI,... data management M Reconstruction M Simulation M Analysis M Controls M Control Room M Assemble DAQ M Steering Group MM C Technical Review EM A... Arch. Review MA E... M A C E Coordinator Architect Project Manager Project Engineer
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 12 Schedule for DAQ and ECS
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 13 qDevise an architecture for the DAQ system and a specification for all dataflow and control elements qAcquire knowledge of, and experience with, new technologies qAssemble small scale hardware prototype of DAQ system (‘String Test’) running at full speed qFinally take an educated decision on the technologies to use for the implementation of the final system Goals of R&D Phase
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 14 DAQ Activities qArchitecture and protocol design qReadout Unit Implementation Study Study functionality, interfacing Design and prototype, performance qEvent Building Project Devise strategy L1,L2/3 Study technologies e.g. Myrinet Simulation models, demonstrators qTiming and Fast Control Readout Supervisor qFEM Implementation Study qEvent Filter Farm Study (LCB Project) qStudy capabilities of Mass storage (ALICE/IT)
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 15 Control/Monitoring structure Experimental equipment... LAN WAN Storage Other systems (LHC, Safety,...) Configuration DB, Archives, Logfiles, etc. Controller/ PLC VME FieldBus LAN Supervision Process Management Field Management Sensors/devices Field buses PLC OPC Communication Protocols SCADA Technologies SCADA = supervisory control and data acquisition OPC = OLE for process control PLC = Programmable logic controller Field buses = CAN, ProfiBus, WorldFip,...
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 16 Experiment Control System (ECS) Joint Project to devise a common controls kernel for all LHC experiments and all aspects of control Selected Sub-Projects …. ãJoint URD for Alice/LHCb - finished ãHardware interface URD - by end ‘99 ãArchitecture design - ongoing ãTechnology survey(SCADA)- finished ãFieldbus evaluation- ongoing ãOPC evaluation- ongoing ã…
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 17 Schedule for DAQ/ECS
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 18 Where are we gOOing? SICB FORTRAN Toolkits ZEBRA banks ZEBRA and ASCII files June 1998 June 1998 OO Frameworks OO toolkits OO event + geometry models OO database (Objectivity/DB) June 2000
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 19 Schedule for Computing
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 20 Plans for SICb qSICb will be discarded when new software with same or superior functionality will be available ãCurrent planning: July 2000 qUntil then: Production simulation will continue with SICB ãInterface to other event generators ãStudies of alternative detector layout options ãEnhanced detector response simulation
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 21 Milestone 1: Working Prototype qBy mid 2000, produce a new working prototype of LHCb software incorporating: ãmodel describing the LHCb detector (structure, geometry…) ãdatabase containing ~ 1,000,000 simulated events (~100 GB) ãdata processing programs based on LHCb’s OO software framework : åsimulation : integrate GEANT4 simulation toolkit åreconstruction : pattern recognition algorithms for tracking, RICH, calorimetry etc. åanalysis : toolkit of analysis algorithms ãInteractive analysis and event display facilities åevaluate available toolkits - ROOT, WIRED, JAS, OpenScientist
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 22 Strategy for development of new software qWe are convinced of the importance of the architecture ãarchitect (experienced designer) and design team (domain specialists) qIdentify components, define their interfaces, relationships among them qBuild framework from implementations of these components ã“framework is an artefact that guarantees the architecture is respected” ãto be used in all the LHCb event data processing applications including : high level trigger, simulation, reconstruction, analysis. ãBuild high quality components and maximise reuse qIncremental approach to development ãnew release 3-4 times per year ãgradually add functionality ãuse what is produced and get rapid feedback qGAUDI ãrelease 1 in Feb ‘99, ãrelease 2 next week
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 23 Strategy for next two years qDilemma ãhave to keep existing software in production ãupdate practices, use new technology for future development qOO Migration ãdo not isolate people, encourage same people to do both ãminimise ‘legacy’ code -algorithm development ongoing ãwrap existing FORTRAN code if appropriate ãuse available libraries (clhep, STL) and toolkits (GEANT4, ODBMS) ãstart component development (event model, geometry, ….) qTrain ‘just-in-time’, LHCb OOAD course attended by 45 people qShare ideas, designs, components etc. with other experiments qDon’t start too many activities at once, keep under control
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 24 LHCb Offline Software Road Map Working Prototype, ‘retire’ SICB Detailed Implementation Integration and CommissioningExploitation Release Number 2006 Incremental releases
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 25 Software Development Environment qDocumentation templates for user requirements, project plans, costings.. qDesign method (UML) and tool (Rose,….) qTraining - OO A&D course, 5 days, John Deacon qLanguage - C++ (but with Java in mind) qNT - Visual Developer Studio used by GAUDI team qLinux - preferred choice of physicists qCode management (cvs) and software release scheme (CMT) Work with IT/ IPT group Project Management - process to manage software projects Configuration Management Documentation : Handbooks - Use, Manage, Engineer
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 26 Computing Model qCompute facilities - PC farms running NT or Linux åMarseilles, Liverpool, Rio, with other LHC experiments and IT/PDP group q“Data Management and Computing Using Distributed Architectures” åwith other LHC experiments in a proposed LCB project åoutside institutes + CERN/IT (LHCb/Oxford,…) ãdetermine which classes of models for distributed data analysis are feasible, taking into account network capabilities and data handling resources likely to become available in the collaboration sites ãidentify and specify the main parameters and build tools for making simulations for comparison of alternative strategies. ãMake test implementations of elements of computing model
LHCb UK Computing Meeting, RAL, 27/28 May ‘99 Slide 27 Communication qMeetings ãWeekly Computing meeting at CERN - Wednesday morning ãIrregular DAQ/ECS meeting at CERN - Wednesday afternoon ãLHCb Software weeks started in 1999 åFeb 8-12, June 2-4, Nov ãData Handling meeting in LHCb weeks qVideoconferencing ãhas been tried but not institutionalised ãdedicated facility for LHCb at CERN being discussed qLHCb web ãTechnical notes, news of meetings, talks, slide gallery, collaboration database are all maintained on LHCb web - ãwe aim to improve - guidelines on producing web pages and design of public web being discussed