AS Design and present a solution for an engineering or technological brief Sample 2 – Merit / Excellence grade boundary area
Commentary This sample of work shows a selection of modes, media and presentation skills, this meets the criteria for explanatory note 10 of this standard; In the presentation of design ideas, the student needs to use a selection from the following: – graphic modes that may include computer applications, other technological applications, mock-ups, models and a range of conventional, non-computer drawing and sketching methods – graphics media that may include pastels, airbrush, screen printing, colour pencils, collage, felt pens, paint, gouache, card, paper-making – presentation skills may include precision, accuracy of layout, neatness and tidiness, effectiveness, execution of techniques, composition, use of negative space, typography. There is good use of design language that appears to ‘fully justify’ ideas against the specifications in the brief. This also meets the criteria of explanatory note 9; - When justifying the solution, students must use appropriate design language. The criteria for Excellence is to use high quality presentation skills. There is some evidence of high quality presentation skills, however this is not consistent enough to lift this portfolio fully into the excellence grade area. This submission sits close to the Merit / Excellence grade area of the standard.