Work packages SGA II ESSnet on microdata linking and data warehousing in statistical production Harry Goossens – Statistics Netherlands Head Data Service Centre / ESSnet Coordinator
ESS-net DWH 1 WP 1 - METADATA Study and guidelines on metadata: what, wherefore, quality, details, … -Building a framework which defines metadata requirements and roles in the S-DWH context. Study on the impact of the quality of statistical data and metadata in the area of micro data linking and data warehousing and vice versa and recommendations. Make maximum use of actions and results from other ESSnets on this area o.a. ESSnet on Admin Data). Literature study on the use of metadata models and standards: -Gap and overlap analysis on existing metadata models (from other ESSnets, international projects, etc.); -Overview of and recommendations on the use of metadata models Defining the various functionalities of a metadata system to facilitate and support the operation of the S-DWH. Provide recommendations and guidelines on the governance of metadata management in the S-DWH.
ESS-net DWH 2 WP 2 - METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS (1) Build on the metadata framework (deliverable 1.1, WP 1) and evaluate it from a methodological viewpoint. Study and recommendations on the position and role of the Business Register (BR) in the context of a S-DWH. Examine selective editing options for the S-DWH and provide guidelines. Study and recommendations on the various ways of "linking data" in the context of the S-DWH -Consider the data linking aspects of combining data (from surveys and administrative sources etc.) -Consider aspects of weighting aggregates and outliers -Inventory of deliverables of other ESSnets regarding micro data linking and recommendations on how to use them in relation to the S-DWH.
ESS-net DWH 3 WP 2 - METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS (2) Study on the impact of data confidentiality in the area of micro data linking and data warehousing; consider the confidentiality aspects of combining data (from surveys and administrative sources etc.) with respect to the S-DWH: Including the European dimension: study and guidelines on the concepts of "ownership" (ensuring data quality) and "common validation" in the context of delivering data to Eurostat. Produce a methodological mapping of the "GSBPM" (extended to cover administrative data) using the Business Architecture from WP 3. This should include an outline of where methodological gaps still exist when considering implementation of the SDWH.S-DWH.
ESS-net DWH 4 WP 3 - TECHNICAL ASPECTS (2) Characterize the GSPBM sub processes to the S-DWH concept, providing a Business Architecture of the S-DWH Study on change management and recommendations on the workflow of the S-DWH, including information logistics, the management of the information flow between data sources and S-DWH central administration. Study on various technical aspects regarding the S-DWH (issues on performance, design etc.) Define the architectural frameworks for the S-DWH on business statistics: Relate the 'ideal' architectural schemes (frameworks) into an actual implementation and development strategy.