Kindergarten Kindergarten
TRANSPORTATION Instructions for kindergarten parents Purchased passes are required to ride the school bus Annual pass: $ =.88 cents per day. Other options are available Bus stops will be assigned by the transportation department Students are required to present a note if they are getting off the bus at a stop that is not their “home to school” stop (2 days notice) Parent or guardian (18 years or older) must be at bus stop to pick up K-1st grade students from the bus Backpacks must sized to fit comfortably in students lap while seated on the bus Be five (5) minutes early to your bus stop Instructions for kindergarten parents Purchased passes are required to ride the school bus Annual pass: $ =.88 cents per day. Other options are available Bus stops will be assigned by the transportation department Students are required to present a note if they are getting off the bus at a stop that is not their “home to school” stop (2 days notice) Parent or guardian (18 years or older) must be at bus stop to pick up K-1st grade students from the bus Backpacks must sized to fit comfortably in students lap while seated on the bus Be five (5) minutes early to your bus stop
After School A+
Healthy Kids Learn Better The TTUSD Student Wellness Policy: Reinforces nutrition and health lessons taught in the classroom. Helps to support a healthy school environment and wellness culture. Creates excitement about healthy foods and activity. Provides guidelines and suggestions to implement healthy celebrations, fundraising, and activity at school. The Guide to the Student Wellness Policy is available at the Food Service Table and on under Food Service Department. The TTUSD Student Wellness Policy: Reinforces nutrition and health lessons taught in the classroom. Helps to support a healthy school environment and wellness culture. Creates excitement about healthy foods and activity. Provides guidelines and suggestions to implement healthy celebrations, fundraising, and activity at school. The Guide to the Student Wellness Policy is available at the Food Service Table and on under Food Service Department.
K camp Summer school When:July 15- August 9 5 days a week; M-F 4 hours a day Who:Incoming K students Incoming TK students 1 class incoming 1 st at each site 1 class incoming 2 nd Where:Truckee Elementary or Tahoe Lake Elementary What:School Readiness Early Literacy Logistics:Bussing available Food Services available TWI Sign up tonight! (530) Ext. 2538
Academic Social Emotional Physical
Readiness Age Requirement (5 by Oct. 1) Development Social Readiness –share –take turns –play cooperatively with others Emotional Readiness –separate from family –participate & take risks –appropriate energy / activity level for school Age Requirement (5 by Oct. 1) Development Social Readiness –share –take turns –play cooperatively with others Emotional Readiness –separate from family –participate & take risks –appropriate energy / activity level for school
California SB Oct Sept Sept. 1
Transitional Kindergarten What is it? Why does it exist? Who is eligible? Where is it located? What is the curriculum? What is it? Why does it exist? Who is eligible? Where is it located? What is the curriculum?
Readiness Academic Readiness –listen and focus in a group setting for 10 minutes –follows 1-2 step directions –previous experiences with cutting, coloring, drawing, using a pencil, letters and numbers –interested and motivated to learn Academic Readiness –listen and focus in a group setting for 10 minutes –follows 1-2 step directions –previous experiences with cutting, coloring, drawing, using a pencil, letters and numbers –interested and motivated to learn
Samples of Student Work Muestras de Trabajo de Estudiantes 4 years/ años 5 years/ años
Samples of Student Work Muestras de Trabajo de Estudiantes 4 years/ años 5 years/ años
Samples of Student Work Muestras de Trabajo de Estudiantes 4 years/ años 5 years/ años
KBE is a Two Way Immersion School
What is Two Way Immersion? K-6 (with classes to 8th) program Integrates native English speaking and native Spanish speaking students Academic instruction in BOTH languages Start in Spanish Progress to Biliteracy K-6 (with classes to 8th) program Integrates native English speaking and native Spanish speaking students Academic instruction in BOTH languages Start in Spanish Progress to Biliteracy
The Progression for English Speakers: Kindergarten75% Sp, 25% Eng 1 st 80% Sp, 20% Eng 2 nd 70% Sp, 30% Eng 3 rd 60% Sp, 40% Eng 4 th, 5 th and 6 th 50% Sp, 50% Eng Kindergarten75% Sp, 25% Eng 1 st 80% Sp, 20% Eng 2 nd 70% Sp, 30% Eng 3 rd 60% Sp, 40% Eng 4 th, 5 th and 6 th 50% Sp, 50% Eng
Program goals: High Academic Achievement Biliteracy-Read/Write in both languages Bilingualism - Orally proficient in both languages Multi-Cultural Awareness and Understanding High Academic Achievement Biliteracy-Read/Write in both languages Bilingualism - Orally proficient in both languages Multi-Cultural Awareness and Understanding
Do’s and don’ts Teacher will understand them No English phonics Read/talk to your child in native language or ANY language Excite them about being bilingual Encourage your child to speak the target language Teacher will understand them No English phonics Read/talk to your child in native language or ANY language Excite them about being bilingual Encourage your child to speak the target language
Commitments to TWI To 6 th -8 th grade Play-dates with Spanish speaking friends Participate in your child’s education Attend all school meetings Have high expectations for your child To 6 th -8 th grade Play-dates with Spanish speaking friends Participate in your child’s education Attend all school meetings Have high expectations for your child
Core Kindergarten Program Language Arts Math Science Extra Curricular Enrichment English Language Development Social Studies Academic Standards
K Schedule 9:05am- 2:20pm 8:30-9:00First grade intervention 9:05-10:30Language Arts (85) 10:30-10:45Recess (15) 10:45-11:45Math and science (60) 11:45-12:20English Language Development (35) 11:55-12:35Lunch/Recess (40) 1:00-1:10BFIT (10) 1:10-1:40Enrichment: Music, PE, Computers (30) 1:50-2:20Choosing/Social Studies
Measure A Renewable $135 parcel tax Funds over $3.5 million Provides funding for: –Music –Science –P.E. –Technology –Library –Counseling –Nursing –Buses –Materials and supplies Approved since 1989, reapproved last March! Renewable $135 parcel tax Funds over $3.5 million Provides funding for: –Music –Science –P.E. –Technology –Library –Counseling –Nursing –Buses –Materials and supplies Approved since 1989, reapproved last March!
PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER If parents want to request a waiver to participate in an alternative bilingual program: 1.Request a waiver o Call or visit the front office of the school to request a waiver 2.Attend meeting o Review your options and rights with the principal at a short meeting 3.Complete and return waiver request form 4.Waivers are approved within 20 days
Elementary English Learner Program Options 3 types of settings –SEI Structured English Immersion –ELM English Language Mainstream –Alternative Bilingual Program 3 types of settings –SEI Structured English Immersion –ELM English Language Mainstream –Alternative Bilingual Program
Elementary English Learner Program Options Type of SettingEligible Students 30+ min. daily ELD CorePrimary Language Support Staffing Requirements Currently offered at SEI: Structured English Immersion CELDT levels 1 -3 (Beginning to Intermediate) YesDifferentiated instruction in English using SDAIE strategies, materials Yes, to motivate, clarify, direct, support, explain BCLAD, CLAD, or equivalent TES, GES, KBE, NTS, TLE ELM: English Language Mainstream CELDT levels 4-5 (Early Adv. to Advanced) YesDifferentiated instruction in English using SDAIE strategies, materials Yes, as neededBCLAD, CLAD, or equivalent TES, DT, GES, KBE, NTS, TLE Alt: Transitional Bilingual All CELDT levels w/ approved waiver YesTransition from primary language instruction to English instruction YesBCLAD or equivalent Alt Choice : Two Way Immersion All CELDT levels w/ approved waiver K-6 YesTransition from Spanish language instruction to 50/50 Spanish / English instruction YesBCLAD or equivalent KBE, NTS
English Learner Parent Rights You may contact the school to discuss placement options for your child You may have your child moved from Structured English Immersion into the English Language Mainstream Program You may request a parental exception waiver for an alternative program You may contact the school to discuss placement options for your child You may have your child moved from Structured English Immersion into the English Language Mainstream Program You may request a parental exception waiver for an alternative program
Parental Exception Waiver Parents of English Learners may waive their right to English Only Instruction: 1.Visit the school to request a waiver o Visit the front office of the school to ask for a waiver. You may request a meeting with the principal to review your options and rights 2.Complete and return waiver request form 3.Waivers are approved within 20 days Parents of English Learners may waive their right to English Only Instruction: 1.Visit the school to request a waiver o Visit the front office of the school to ask for a waiver. You may request a meeting with the principal to review your options and rights 2.Complete and return waiver request form 3.Waivers are approved within 20 days
Parental Exception Waiver 4.Enrollment or Wait list in Alternative Program o Students with an approved waiver will be offered enrollment at any established alternative program in the district, or parents may choose to be put on a wait list at their school until there are at least 20 students at a grade level with an approved waiver 5.Alternative Program implemented o When there are 20 students at a school with an approved waiver at a grade level, the Alternative Program will be implemented at that grade level 4.Enrollment or Wait list in Alternative Program o Students with an approved waiver will be offered enrollment at any established alternative program in the district, or parents may choose to be put on a wait list at their school until there are at least 20 students at a grade level with an approved waiver 5.Alternative Program implemented o When there are 20 students at a school with an approved waiver at a grade level, the Alternative Program will be implemented at that grade level
PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER 5.Enrollment or Wait list in Alternative Program o Students with an approved waiver will be offered enrollment at any established alternative program in the district, or parents may choose to be put on a wait list at their school until there are at least 20 students at a grade level with an approved waiver 6.Alternative Program implemented o When there are 20 students at a school with an approved waiver at a grade level, the Alternative Program will be implemented at that grade level
Parent Involvement PTO ELAC Measure A Classroom volunteers Playground volunteers BFIT, Harvest of the Month Art Docent, Science Docent PTO ELAC Measure A Classroom volunteers Playground volunteers BFIT, Harvest of the Month Art Docent, Science Docent
School Culture Uniforms Nutrition Policy Behavior Expectations BEST BFIT Embrace cross cultural experiences Uniforms Nutrition Policy Behavior Expectations BEST BFIT Embrace cross cultural experiences
Food Services Meals offered daily at all District schools Breakfast (Currently $1.75) Lunch (Currently $3.25) Menus at page Free and Reduced Lunch Program Application posted on District website Child ’ s School (Administration Office & Cafeteria) Bus Pass Processing (August Dates TBD) We look forward to serving your needs! Questions? Call Rose Wolterbeek, Director of Food Service (530)
What can I do now? Arrange a visit in a classroom-Come to Open House on May 30 th 5-6:30 Read everyday to your child in English or Spanish Expose your child to Spanish Begin the back to school routine early Complete the paperwork and turn it in to our office by March15, 2013 Explanation of the Lottery: –Residents –Siblings –TTUSD –Other Arrange a visit in a classroom-Come to Open House on May 30 th 5-6:30 Read everyday to your child in English or Spanish Expose your child to Spanish Begin the back to school routine early Complete the paperwork and turn it in to our office by March15, 2013 Explanation of the Lottery: –Residents –Siblings –TTUSD –Other
Registration Requirements Copy of vaccination records Copy of birth certificate Proof of residency Registration Card Copy of vaccination records Copy of birth certificate Proof of residency Registration Card