Elements of a Short Story Students will be provided a copy of the power point presentation in outline form. The outline form will have blanks to be filled in during the presentation. This presentation is in preparation of writing a short story for their portfolio. This presentation was designed for a resource Language Arts class; students having learning and behavior disorders.
Definition of a Short Story it’s about a single event or experience fictional (not true) 500 to 15,000 words in length has a beginning, middle, and end creates an impression on the reader
Elements of a Short Story Setting Characterization Conflict Theme Point of view Plot
Setting Tells the reader where and when the story takes place
Characterization Indirectly Directly what the character says and does The writer gives information about the characters in the story The reader can learn about characters in one of two ways: Indirectly what the character says and does what others say about the character what the character wears Directly through the author’s description
The main problem in the story Conflict External Conflict human vs. nature human vs. human human vs. society human vs. supernatural Internal Conflict human vs. self What is the conflict? The main problem in the story
Theme The story’s main ideas The “message” the writer intends to communicate by telling the story
Point of View Point of view: The position of the narrator of the story and what the writer sees from that vantage point. There are two main points of view: Third Person He, she, they First Person I, me, we
Plot Diagram 3. Climax 4. Falling Action 2. Rising Action 1.Introduction 5. Resolution
1. Introduction usually occurs at the beginning of a short story the characters are introduced learn about the setting of the story we are introduced to the main conflict (main problem)
2. Rising Action begins to develop the conflict(s) a building of interest or suspense occurs
3. Climax the turning point of the story Usually the main character comes face to face with a conflict The main character will change in some way.
4. Falling Action All loose ends of the plot are tied up The conflict(s) and climax are resolved
5. Resolution The story comes to a reasonable ending