Simile A comparison using words such as “like” or “as”
Examples of Similes She swims like a fish. He's as hairy as a gorilla. Peter laughs like a hyena. Mrs. Robinson is as wise as an owl. Allow me, it's as easy as ABC. My love is like a red, red rose. The world is like a stage. She got a neck like a pipe. That girl have a hair like rat's tail.
Metaphor A comparison that does not use “like” or “as”; instead, the object being compared IS the other object.
Some Examples of Metaphor He was a tornado, blasting his way through the opposing team. He was a lion in the fight. The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas. Education is your passport to satisfying employment. The truck flew down the empty highway. My love is a red, red rose. The boy told his mother a white lie. The thief was caught red-handed.
Personification Giving human attributes to inhuman things.
Personification Examples My computer hates me. The camera loves me. Art is a jealous mistress. Wind yells while blowing. Opportunity knocked on the door. The sun greeted me this morning. Snow had wrapped a white blanket over the city. Time never waits for anyone. Trees were dancing with the wind.
Which ones use personification? 1. The alarm clock bellows 2. Five o’clock is too early for any human to be stirring 3. The warm sheets wrap 4. My tired body does not want releasing 5. The mirror screams 6. I see a zit and a wild hair that needs plucking 7. Monday mornings prod 8. The bed is near and in it I am crawling
Hyperbole An exaggeration
Teacher: My brother is poor. Students: How poor is he?
Teacher: He was so poor that he went to Wendy’s and put a Frosty on layaway.
Teacher: That dog was so small. Student: How small was he?
Teacher: He was so small that his fleas had to use dog repellent to keep him off of their backs.
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Simile Metaphor Personification Hyperbole Symbolism