OBJECTIVES Define the literary terms related to character development. Use graphic organizers to help describe a character.
WHAT IS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT? Character development is… the description of a person in a story that tells the reader about a character We are going to learn about… Motivation Conflict Problem/Solution Resolution
Definition: Motivation is why a character acts the way they do Example: Why does Nemo decide to swim away from his dad, Marlin? om/watch?v=9RhX3 lRJQMg MOTIVATION
Definition: Every story line involves some kind of conflict. It is a struggle between two forces, but these forces can be either internal (feelings) or external (physical). Example: External- Nemo tries not to be eaten by other fish or by man Internal- Nemo (or his dad) has to conquer fear om/watch?v=FnpJhj mSbBY CONFLICT
What is going wrong in the story? How is everything fixed? Example: Problem- Nemo was caught by humans and his father is trying to find him Solution- Nemo’s dad finds Nemo m/watch?v=K7bNhYr 3ves PROBLEM/SOLUTION
How does the character feel at the end of the story? How has the character changed since the beginning of the story? m/watch?v=ifJOwZc- Vog Example: Nemo and his dad, Marlin, are happy at the end of the story. Marlin has realized that he needs to let Nemo be more independent, and Nemo has realized that he loves his home just the way it is. RESOLUTION
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT CHART THINK ABOUT A STORY THAT YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH, AND FILL IN THIS CHART. MotivationConflictProblemSolutionResolution Name of Story: __________________________________________