Cpt. Nato Jiadze Ms. Mzia Skhulukha Ms. Mzia Skhulukha J-7 Joint Staff of Georgia Success in Training and Testing in Georgian Armed Forces (GAF) Teaching and Training at Different Levels and for Different Purposes BILC seminar October 2010 Varna Bulgaria
OUTLINE Structure Language Advisory Board, Developed documents BILC Contribution Teaching in General Methodological Interlude Teaching Priorities Groups Courses Challenges Way Ahead
STRUCTURE J -7 ULTD Training and Military Education Command NDAEnglish Language testing and Evaluation team
Advisory Board, Developed Documents Advisory Board (established by the order of the Minister of Defense) Language Training Concept (approved by the Minister of Defense) STANAG 6001 Edition 3 Instruction Guide (approved by Chief of Staff) English Language Assessment Instruction of military/civilian personnel of MOD (draft)
BILC Assistance Assessment since 2006 (Mr. Keith, E. Wert) Workshop 2008 (Julie Dubeau, Peggy Garza) Testing Team Establishment Bosnia-Herzegovina and Georgia Cooperative Event on STANAG 6001 Testing Marshall Center, Germany 2010 Workshop STANAG 6001 Item Moderations 2010, Georgia MTT - Development Military Writing Skills, by DLI Experts (ODC, Georgia) USA
Teaching in General Eccentricities of teaching Context Effects Deeper Insight
Methodological Interlude Teacher Contempt Classroom Insights Mind and Heart
Teaching Priorities Skills Development Principal Aims Selection Procedure
Groups Structure Environment Novelty
Qualification Teacher Training Certification International Support
Courses ESP Course Course Syllabus Responsibilities
Challenges Technology Resistance to Changes Textbooks Testing Innovation
Way Ahead STANAG course Bi-level tests, STANAG testing sessions Continue teachers/testers professional development MTT – DLI, listening and speaking integrating with military terminology Sending liaison officers to OMLET courses in Marshal Center