A group of belief systems, norms and values practiced by a people Recognized in 1 of 2 ways 1. People call themselves a culture 2. Others can label a certain group of people as a culture
Nonmaterial culture: beliefs, practices, aesthetics, norms and values of a group of ppl Material culture: what a group of ppl make (artifacts reflect nonmaterial culture)
Different from habit & custom Habit= repetitive act performed by individual Custom= repetitive act performed by group so it becomes a characteristic Collection of customs= CULTURE
1. Culture trait (single attribute) 2. Combine traits in unique combo culture complex (material & nonmaterial) 3. Interconnected culture complexes culture system 4. Represented by a culture region 5. Add in environment geographic region
Areas where civilizations first began Radiated the customs, innovations, and ideologies that transformed the world China, Pakistan, Egypt, Iraq Greece Mexico, Peru
Small scale Isolated, homogeneous population Typically rural Separated by geography or lack of communication Cohesive in cultural traits Work to preserve those traits in order to claim uniqueness
Large (global) scale Connected, heterogeneous population Typically urban Globalization Experiences quickly changing cultural traits Practiced by people across identities and across the world
Folk varies place to place at one time Popular varies from time to time in one place
Studies relationship b/w the natural environment & culture Cultural landscape- modification of natural landscape by human activities Reveals clues about cultural practices & priorities (past & present)
CULTURAL DIFFUSION Transculturation- equal diffusion of two cultures (Buddhism & Confucianism) Syncretism- Fusing old and new cultures (Santeria)
CULTURAL APPROPRIATION The process by which cultures adopt customs & knowledge and use them for their own benefit Of major concern for local cultures: aspects of cultural knowledge may be privatized and used for wealth Martial Arts, Cross necklaces on non-Christians, camps selling Native American paraphernalia Commodification- turning regular goods into a commodity to sell
NEOLOCALISM Shortridge: Seeking out the regional culture and reinvigorating it in response to the modern world Little Sweden (Kansas)
RETERRITORIALIZATION Popular culture may take on new forms when it encounters a new locality and the ppl and local culture in that place. when it encounters a new locality and the ppl and local culture in that place. Producing an aspect of pop culture but mixing with local culture Indonesian Hip Hop Increased with mass media