Dermatological Cryostimulation Psoriasis, Dermatitis and Eczema Fights the underlying causes of the disease and its development by regulating and normalizing growth of skin cells. Halts the autoimmune process of excessive cell growth in the skin with no side effects. Reduces recurrence of inflammations. Triggers an increased production of collagen, resulting in smoother, tighter, more even skin tone, reducing visible signs of aging. Improves the appearance of scars and fine wrinkles. Speeds up the natural biological cell regeneration process, efficiently eliminating dead cells in favour of new ones. Expels toxin deposits, leaving skin radiant with natural nutrients. As a beauty treatment Cryotherapy uses targeted exposure to cold temperature to improve circulation and skin tone. The Cryotherapy machine uses streams of liquid nitrogen vapours reaching c. Applied to the skin it causes blood vessels to dilate and increase in oxygen delivery to the cells, stimulating rejuvenation.
Pictures of a 12 year old boy’s arm suffering from severe Psoriasis Vulgaris After five sessions of Cryotherapy his condition was drastically reduced, all the inflammation, itching and raw skin had healed. The skin was rejuvenated and starting to heal. Fights the underlying causes of the disease and its development by regulating and normalizing growth of skin cells. Halts the autoimmune process of excessive cell growth in the skin with no side effects. Reduces recurrence of inflammations
Cystic Acne before and after Cryotherapy sessions 1 session 5 sessions 9 Sessions
These pictures were taken over 4 week period It is used to restore firmness, tone and radiance to fatigued skin. Cryotherapy also helps to decrease pigmentation It is provides long-term rejuvenation results