What Makes a Great Story? Plot –Definition: The Conflict or Problem –Why is it Important? –How do Plots Work? –Examples of Stories with Great Plots:
Elements of Story- Plot Two Kinds of Conflict in a Story –E–External Between Two Characters or Groups of Characters –I–Internal Between a Character and Themselves –N–No they are not schizophrenic and do not have multiple personalities :-) Usually involves emotions or feelings –F–Fear –A–Anger –L–Love –O–Other Examples?
The Plot Diagram All plots move the same way How do plots move in a story? You can diagram the plot of story to show how it moves visually
The Plot Diagram
Plot Diagram - #1 #1- The Initial Action Sets the Stage for the rest of the story Gives the reader the: –S–Setting –I–Introduction to the characters. –B–Background information Examples? 1
Plot Diagram- #2 #2- Narrative “Hook” The Point that the story catches your attention Where the main conflict of the story is introduced for the first time Examples? 1 2
Plot Diagram- #3 #3- The Rising Action Where most of the story takes place. Events develop conflict Story Builds Up to something big Why are there lines next to the rising action? 1 2 3
Plot Diagram- #4 #4- The Climax!! The most exciting part of the story. Happens just as the conflict is about to be resolved. Examples?
Plot Diagram- #5 #5- The Falling Action Takes place right after the climax of the story. Tells what the result of the climax is. Final events of the story to help tie it all together. Which Leads Us To…
Plot Diagram- #6 #6- The Resolution The Conflict is Resolved Two ways the Conflict is Resolved in the story: 1. Stated Resolution –S–Story says how conflict is resolved. –E–Example: They all lived happily ever after. 2. Implied Resolution –S–Story leads you to figure out how conflict is resolved. –E–Examples?
Now Pick Your Favorite Story!! Using the plot diagram I’ve given you –Fill in each part of your favorite story in the spaces below the diagram –Fill in 4 events during the story that make up the Rising Action –Tell me what event was the climax –Fill in 2 Events for the falling action –Tell me what the Resolution of the conflict is, is it stated or implied and how is it stated or implied.