Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility LBNF Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements Jeffrey Dolph LBNF/DUNE DOE/SC CD-1 Refresh Review July 14-16, 2015
LBNF Who am I? What have I done? Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements2 Jeff Dolph, Principal Engineer at BNL Physics Dept. Registered Professional Engineer - Mechanical Professional Experience: 3 years – LBNE Systems Engineer 2 years – Chief Engineer, LBNE Water Cherenkov Far Detector 25 years – Mechanical Engineer - integration of major mechanical and structural modifications: Boeing Company Northrop Grumman Consulting Engineer 747 Special Freighter US Marine Corps radar system
LBNF Outline Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements3 Integration Team Interface Development and Management Configuration Management and Change Control Other Important Integration Tasks Requirements Development Value Engineering and Trade Studies
LBNF Integration – Project Engineers and Systems Engineer Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements4 Integration to assure complete design can be delivered within subprojects is the responsibility of the subproject Project Engineers Beamline: Salman Tariq Near Detector: Jan Boissevain Far Detector: Russ Rucinski, Terry Shaw FSCF: Josh Willhite NSCF: Tom Hamernik Cryogenic Infrastructure: Barry Norris Between Subprojects, this role is covered by the Systems Engineer with help from the Project Engineers & their teams Covers requirements, risk, interfaces, QA, configuration control This talk addresses interfaces, configuration control & requirements
LBNF Interfaces between LBNF & DUNE and within Subprojects Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements5 Interfaces are managed between major WBS elements using a matrix linked to Interface Control Documents (ICD) ICDs define the interfaces and any parameters associated with them. ICDs signed by relevant managers on both sides ~150 ICDs expected to be developed across LBNF/DUNE Far Site and Near Site Matrix contains schedule for completion of interface definition Expect to complete by end of this year Highest priority is FSCF since that is critical path and needed for CD- 3a this fall, to be completed by Sept. 3 Interfaces are discussed in weekly subproject meetings that involve team members from associated subprojects Example: NSCF engineers attend most Beamline meetings to assure Beamline CF is being designed to meet Beamline requirements
LBNF ICD Matrices Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements6 5 matrices cover all LBNF to DUNE interfaces DUNE FD (internal) DUNE ND (internal) LBNF-DUNE Near Site (Beamline – ND – CF – Fermilab) Near Site – Far Site (alignment) LBNF-DUNE Far Site LBNF-DUNE Far Site interface documents are found on the Project Planning Documents review site linked in this matrix Project Planning Documentsmatrix
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements7 ICD Matrix example – Far Site Design/Construction LBNF-DUNE Far Site Interface Matrix Note: Each cell will contain a hyperlinked ICD after the completion date. Far Site Entity Design/Construction CF, Far Site - Surface CF, Far Site - Shafts & Drifts CF, Far Site - Caverns Far Detector Design Far Detector Construction Cryostat Design Cryostat Construction Cryogenics Ar System-Design Cryogenics Ar System-Construction Cryogenics N System-Design Cryogenics N System-Construction Cryogenic Fluids SURF CF, Far Site - Surface CF, Far Site - Shafts & Drifts 3-Sep-15 CF, Far Site - Caverns 3-Sep-15 Far Detector Design 24-Jul Far Detector Construction 24-Jul Cryostat Design 24-Jul Sep-15 Cryostat Construction 24-Jul Sep-15 Cryogenics Ar System-Design 24-Jul Sep Sep-15 Cryogenics Ar System-Construction 24-Jul Sep Jul-15 3-Sep-15 Cryogenics N System-Design 24-Jul Sep Sep Sep-15 Cryogenics N System-Construction 24-Jul Sep Jul-15 3-Sep Sep-15 Cryogenic Fluids 24-Jul-15 3-Sep-15 SURF 3-Sep Jul-15 indicates highest priority indicates draft itemization only
LBNF ICD Development Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements8 Capture all technical and programmatic interfaces between stakeholders Numerous technical meetings with Project Engineers, Scientists, Managers to list interface items and “provider” if evident Draft ICD from input Review drafts with stakeholders with an eye toward determining “provider” for each item Seek stakeholder’s agreement and finalize
LBNF Experiment - Facility Interface Group (EFIG) Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements9 Addresses high-level interfaces between DUNE and LBNF Charged with assessing formal Change Requests in which one Project affects the other & making recommendations for changes EFIG initiated Far Site underground modular reconfiguration 4 equal-size free-standing cryostats for detectors Same cryostat for both single & dual-phase detectors 4 equal-size caverns Central utility cavern Considered competing schedule and funding programmatic requirements EFIG recommended recent change to larger target hall to include this scope, cost, and schedule in CD-1 Refresh
LBNF Configuration Management - in development Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements10 Change to any controlled documentation Requirements Deliverable(s) and/or ICD(s) Engineering drawing and/or specification Selected project plans such as PMP Change Request (CR) will be initiated in joint CR database Engineering documentation managed in Fermilab Teamcenter engineering document database Project documentation managed in project’s document database DocDB Electronic BOEs, all project plans, other relevant documents Provides for versioning and approvals
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements11 Change Control – LBNF/DUNE Integrated Process Separate processes that will be managed through each Project Converge when change affects both Projects Not required until CD-2, but will start process for FSCF at CD-3a Change thresholds based on impact to technical scope, cost and/or schedule and in accordance to Configuration Management Plan and DOE PPEP Configuration Management PlanDOE PPEP
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements12 LBNF/DUNE Requirements Science objectives flow down to science and engineering requirementsscience and engineering requirements
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements13 LBNF/DUNE Requirements High level programmatic requirements flow down to the deliverables’ programmatic requirements
LBNF Summary Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements14 Robust Integration approach for LBNF/DUNE Interfaces - being defined within and between subprojects Configuration Management with Change Control – in development High level requirements developed and managed Configuration Management to be implemented now to CD-3a for Far Site Facilities design and for LBNF Far Site - DUNE interfaces Engineering team in place to manage systems across and between subprojects
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements15 Backup
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements16 Ensuring all scope is covered through interface management Partners define work scope of intended Deliverable(s) by defining limits re: Interfaces Work scope of each Deliverable (one WBS item per Deliverable for non-DOE) Deliverables, ICD’s and Interface Matrices evolve with Partnership Development Compile Deliverables Lists for full scope of LBNF and DUNE Analyze Deliverables Lists and ICD’s for gaps and overlaps looking for missed or duplicated scope Negotiated adjustments to Deliverable scope and interfaces Partners can generate Statements of Work (SOW) from Deliverables Lists and ICDs and incorporate into agreements
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements17 Configuration Management Data Flow Deliverables’ Data Interface Control Documents (ICD) Deliverables Data List Interface Matrices LBNF/DUNE Config. Mgr. (SE acting) Change Control Data Management Systems LBNF/DUNE Science & Engineering Configuration Status Accounting Configuration Verification Process of creating defined-scope deliverables starts here
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements18 Interfaces Between Partners to Start Far Site Construction (Excavation) Far Site interface requirements already developed for kick-off with A&E, are under revision to the new configuration Scope Interface Review to be held soon with scientists, engineers and managers having interfaces to Far Site Conventional Facilities (CF) LBNF Far Site CF design and construction has priority, CD-3a before CD-2 for all of LBNF/DUNE: Some level of “baseline” of the interfacing deliverables within: LBNF Near Site – Beamline and CF (Far Detector alignment) LBNF Far Site facility (ES&H, SURF throughout the schedule, utilities…) DUNE Far Detector (ES&H, schedule, utilities, installation…) LBNF Cryostats (ES&H, schedule, space via FD interface, construction..) LBNF Cryogenics Systems (ES&H, schedule, surface, shaft, caverns…) After CD-3a changes affecting LBNF Far Site CF will be under Change Control
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements19 Configuration Management Development Planning for CD-2 needs to begin now and develop with Partnership development Each Deliverable to be a Configuration Item (CI), have a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ID, and dictionary definition Level 4 CI’s roll up into Level 3 End Items and so on up to the (4) End Items described earlier (4) integrated deliverables lists, formally called Configuration Items Data Lists(CIDL) all have associated ICD’s 1.DUNE Near Site 2.DUNE Far Site 3.LBNF Near Site 4.LBNF Far Site = LBNF/DUNE scope
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements20 LBNF/DUNE – Configuration Management - Data Management Systems LBNF/DUNE Science and Engineering Requirements available to all (read only), controlled by Systems Engineer (SE), approval by DUNE and LBNF CI data is controlled by Owner/Partner in their Data Management System –Current CI engineering – CF or electro-mechanical CAD models and drawings with PDF’s –Specifications, including Suppliers’ specifications (verified to meet requirements) –Copies of current CIDL and ICD’s (access via web, described later) –Copies of Change Control data (access via web) LBNF/DUNE Project Offices: –Each CI must have a unique TeamCenter (TC) Design Item ID, named appropriately –Each End Item must have a unique TC Design Item (Assembly of CI’s), named appropriately –CIDL, controlled by SE, contains list of controlled documentation that fully describe each CI (deliverable)
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements21 LBNF/DUNE – Configuration Management - Data Management Systems Partners upload current engineering and specifications with ID of Change Control items completed, to its TeamCenter Design Item on a regular schedule (TBD) and at data-freeze milestones for reviews Note: Fermilab performs this for A/E SE designated Configuration Manager (CM) converts and assembles CAD models in TC/NX into current Near Site and Far Site configurations In a regularly schedule process CM performs: –Configuration verification –Configuration status accounting –Updates CIDL’s and ICD’s –Reports results to SE, PM and TC
LBNF Jeff Dolph | Integration - Interfaces, Config Mgmt and Requirements22 Value Engineering & Trade Studies Value Engineering is a continuous process Will be performed for FSCF final design with A/E before CD-3a Value engineering & trade studies have already produced major design decisions: Beamline on embankment vs. underground Waste rock handling Major Far Site underground reconfiguration February-March 2015