NPSS Web Site Redesign RICHARD KOUZES July 13, 2013
Updated 2009 Cisneros Design 2 Current Web Site
Review existing site Peter (by phone), Albe and Dick met with Cisneros June 27 Cisneros Design prepared plan and cost estimate Goals Re-design objectives Target audience 3 New Web Design By Cisneros
Goals Actively build the international community of nuclear & plasma science professionals by creating opportunities for networking, education, and recognition. Increase participation in NPSS conferences, sponsored-conferences and chapter activities. Serve as easy information resource for Access to the conferences information, ability to find out who’s running them, get there quickly to get the information and be done. The list of conferences is a very important element of the home page. Attract nuclear & plasma science professionals who are just starting to specialize. Engage nuclear & plasma scientists whose work extends across several fields of interest. Serve as an educational resource for professionals at all levels (from new professionals through advanced researchers). 4 New Web Design Goals
Objectives for Re-design Improve the overall information architecture of the site to allow for easy (intuitive) access to all areas of information (e.g. newsletters, awards, publications, conference information, committee activity, chapter activity). Across all platforms. Promote attendance at conferences and chapter events by providing timely information on sponsors, event dates and location, event description and features (speakers, agendas, topics, locations, etc.). Networking is a primary value of each conference. Optimize search engine results for particular keyword search phrases allowing the site to be found more readily and frequently. Promote the availability of distinguished lecturers, their prestigious credentials and the value of their presentations to professional groups. (e.g., Dan Fleetwood). Establish the NPSS site as a premier, authoritative, go-to source for leading edge information on nuclear & plasma sciences and related subjects. 5 New Web Design Objectives
Target Audience Non-member professionals in && plasma science. NPSS Members (AdCom, Committees, Chapters). Professionals just starting to specialize in nuclear & plasma science. Professionals whose work extends across several areas of nuclear & plasma science. IEEE Society Members. Professionals in nuclear & plasma science education, industry, policy. Trade and mainstream media. Explore pressroom and PR strategy – what stories? targeting which media? Seek opportunities for publicity through activities, conferences, awards, authoritative sources, etc. 6 New Web Design Audience
Budget Estimate Content development$ Design$ Development$ ,000 Project management$ TBD: video, search optimization, social media Total:$20, ,800 7 New Web Design Budget