HRMS Users’ Group 3/19/08, 1:30-3:00 p.m. Clark Center Auditorium
Slide 2 AGENDA PeopleSoft Version 9 Upgrade – Al Roa/Vicky Tran (20) Payroll Updates – Kelly Wright (15) HR Data Services Updates – Shawna Blunt (15) Employment Updates/Training – Carmen Jacinto (15)
Slide 3 PeopleSoft Version 9 Upgrade Project Project Information and Update March 2008
Slide 4 This Presentation Covers…. PeopleSoft 9 Upgrade: What, Why, When? What Will Change? What Will be The Same? Project Timeline Helping Users Make the Transition Who’s Involved? For More Information
Slide 5 PeopleSoft 9.0 Upgrade: What, Why, When? What: Upgrade PeopleSoft HR/SA version 8.0 to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions version 9.0 Why: Align Stanford’s PeopleSoft system with the current release and ensure ongoing vendor support When: Go-Live is August 11, 2008
Slide 6 What will Change? Core PeopleSoft HRMS and Student Administration users: –New “look and feel” –Navigational changes (“How do I get to….?”) Students: –New “Student Center” interface –Navigational changes Faculty/Advisors: –Same navigations, but functional pages look a bit different All staff/employee “self-service” users: – Little visible change
Slide 7 What will be the Same? Users will continue to go through the Axess portal to access functions supported by PeopleSoft Desktop software/browser requirements remain the same Reports against PeopleSoft data will continue to be run via ReportMart1 –Brio/Hyperion Developers Group actively involved in updating local reports as required Most core processes/business functions continue to work as before –Salary Planning and Workflow
Slide 8 Project Timeline Go-Live: August 11, 2008
Slide 9 Helping Users Make the Transition Collaborative Campus Readiness Model –Central Offices that “own” the PeopleSoft system/data all participating Informational presentations to be held in various user forums (monthly HRM/HRA meetings, HRMS user group, TIPS, etc.) User Acceptance Testing –Volunteers to participate in UAT “What’s New” demo sessions to be held in July Online training materials will be available –Animated process demos –Job Aids –Context-sensitive “Help” within the system Open labs immediately before and after Go Live
Slide 10 Who’s Involved? Administrative Systems (Leo Volkov, Project Manager) University Registrar’s Office Human Resources Payroll Financial Aid Offices Student Financial Systems Admission Offices Faculty Affairs
Slide 11 Planned Announcements/Written Communications announcements Article in Speaking of Computers (April) Article in the Stanford Report (June) Announcement in Pay Statement s (July/August) Notices posted in the Axess portal (July) Regular updates on the project website
Slide 12 Campus Readiness Liaisons Business AreaLiaison Registrar’s Office/Student ServicesJackie Charonis Registrar’s Office/Graduate AdmissionsJudith Haccou Human ResourcesAl Roa, Vicky Tran Student Financial ServicesTJ Janeway Graduate Financial SystemNancy Child Aguilar PayrollKelly Wright Undergraduate AdmissionsDavid Leung Financial AidDoug Valencia Humanities and SciencesCristina Jacinto, Matt Riley Faculty AffairsLynn Dixon Administrative SystemsTricia Richter
Slide 13 User Acceptance Testing Leads System AreaUAT Lead AdmissionsCarolyn Ratcliff Campus CommunityAmber Kraver Faculty AffairsLynn Dixon Financial Aid/GFSEllen Baeth HR/BenefitsVanessa Alcantar PayrollJamie Lutton Student FinancialsLynn Espartero Student RecordsVictor Santiago Oracle FinancialsAndy Zell Administrative SystemsKen Doran
Slide 14 For More Information Project Web Page: Be sure you are subscribed to the distribution list: Contact a Campus Readiness Liaison
Slide 15 Questions ?
Slide 16 Upcoming Kronos Java Update Java update necessary to address a security alert with the current version of Java, JRE 1.5.0_10, used to run Kronos Timing TBD – potentially 4/15 or 4/30 Change will be communicated early in the pay period by to Time & Leave Administrators/Supervisors
Slide 17 Upcoming Kronos Java Update After the update, Windows users must install a new version of Java before using Kronos to enter hours No action is required for Mac users Download instructions will be available from: Axess Employee Info tab es_jobaid/access_kronos.html#java_install
Slide 18 Time & Leave Policy Reminder Federal and state laws require nonexempt employees to keep an accurate daily record of hours worked, including actual start and stop times and meal breaks (Admin Guide 22.4) Recommended that employees update time worked daily Supervisors must approve each pay period
Slide 19 Payroll Updates – I-9 Compliance The current I-9 Compliance Specialist, Eumie Rim, will be leaving Stanford I-9 compliance activities will continue as normal as we search for a replacement Activities include: Review of all I-9 Forms Follow-up on missing/expired I-9 Forms Semi-monthly compliance reports
Slide 20 Payroll Updates – I-9 Compliance An I-9 Form is required for all assignments, regardless of duration (even 1 day of work) Compliance activities will be extended to follow up on missing I-9 Forms for shorter assignments If the assignment is terminated due to the lack of an I-9, use reason code NI9 to alert administrators who may hire the individual in the future
Slide 21 Payroll Updates – Impending Move Payroll will move to Porter Drive – Summer 2008 Campus satellite office at the University Cashier – Maude Modular (632 Serra St.) Cashier’s Office staff will distribute checks, plus other functions Courier service daily from Cashier’s Office dropbox to Porter Drive More details to follow as we approach our move date...
Slide 22 Payroll Updates – Website Retired Old Controller's Office and Oracle Financials Web Sites retired on 2/29 Our new site, Gateway to Financial Activities, is available at: Type ‘Payroll’ in your Stanford browser to go directly to the Payroll Administration section Type ‘Kronostraining’ for Kronos
Slide 23 HR Data Services – News & Information DISABILITY & LEAVE SERVICES Contact: A-G: Laurie Jarocki, –650/ H-Q: Patti Smilovitz –650/ R-Z: Judy Ray –650/
Slide 24 HR Data Services – News & Information HR Data Services has a new website hradmin is now hrdata Website goes live TODAY Typing either hradmin or hrdata will get you to the same website
Slide 25 HR Data Services – News & Information Hrdata website improvements Easier navigation Updated links and content Updated new user information and training Job aids all in one area Separated by type Non-Academic Staff Faculty and other titles Trovix
Slide 26 HR Data Services – News & Information
Slide 27 Office of Staff Employment OSE has new contract with bajobs effective April 1, 2008 Listings will automatically post to bajobs Departments no longer have to pay for listings on bajobs Please take this opportunity to freshen up your old job postings prior to them being posted on bajobs April 1 st.
Slide 28 Office of Staff Employment Trovix™ System Upgrade Projected Time Frame: Q Benefits More robust and scalable data transfer process Today, overnight batch resume processing After the upgrade, more immediate resume processing
Slide 29 Office of Staff Employment Trovix™ System Upgrade (con’t) Benefits Resume matching Improved & expanded search capabilities Support Word 2007 (docx) Word Documents Concept trees (expanded glossaries) for finance, software, networking, and biotech categories
Slide 30 Office of Staff Employment Trovix™ Training Trovix Reports Submit a helpsu to request training Vicky Tran or Al Roa will get back to you with a confirmed time