Medical and Bioethics By Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen
Basic Ethical Principle Foundation of Jewish Medical Ethics Leviticus 18:5 –“These are the mitzvot which one shall do and live by them: I am the LORD. ” “shall live” –And not die by them See also Lev 19:16 –"Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor"
When does life begin Question is when is life viable
Principles Pikuah Nefesh- saving a soul Defining death Can one over-ride the other
Definition of Death 1960’s Reform & Conservatives accept Brain Stem definition of death 1990’s Orthodoxy begins to accept Brain Stem definition
Transplantation & Organ Donation Current legal & ethical questions –How do we decide who gets priority? Defined recipient What happens with eyes? –Can organs be sold? –Can they be used without permission? Rates of donation –Perception vs reality
Issues in Organ Donation Underlying problem –Can only use organs thru brain stem death Donations by deceased Living Donors Judaism looks for designated recipient
Organ Donation Orthodox –Halakhic Organ Donors Society –OU statement Conservative –Supports donation Reform – Organ & Tissue Donation (includes card) –MATAN CHAIM: THE GIFT OF LIFE Organ & Tissue Donation (includes card)
Fertile Technology Basic Principle –“Be fruitful and multiply” [First biblical commandment] Artificial Insemination IVF Surrogate Motherhood
Euthanasia Need to distinguish –Shortening life –Prolonging death Active vs passive Euthanasia
Euthanasia II Orthodox position Conservative -2 positions Reform
Bioethics Cloning –Therapeutic –Reproductive
Stem Cell Research Based on “these are the laws you shall live by”
Sexual Ethics
Abortion Biblical basis- Exodus 21:22-23 Issues –Rodef- pursuer –Viability of fetus –When does life begin Ultra-orthodox Orthodox/Conservative Reform
Birth Control Expectation of having children –First commandment in Torah- be fruitful and multiply Question of spilling seed –Genesis 38, 6-10 What is permitted and forbidden
IVF Basically accepted AIH AID Status of spare embryos
Homosexuality Biblical basis –Lev. 18:22; Lev. 20:13; Deut. 23:17 –Are the laws equal for men and women Various views today –Reform –Conservative –Orthodox
Ritual Uncleanliness Taharat Ha-Mishpaha Basis- Leviticus: 15:19-30, 18:19, 20:18 Leviticus Not just says of low but 7 additional days Nothing to do with physical uncleanliness Mikva