Remembering and Celebrating Deuteronomy 16:1-8
Introduction In the last lesson Moses reviewed the Ten Commandments with the new generation of Israel. In this lesson, Moses reviews the Passover. The new generation was not only ignorant of the Law but they had also stopped observing some feasts that their ancestors had done in the past. Moses wanted to remind the new generation of how important it was to celebrate feasts such as Passover as they are a reminder of how far God has brought them.
The Passover Reviewed (vv. 1-2) Moses reminds the new generation about the feast of the Passover. As we all know, the feast of the Passover commemorates the night the angel of death took the firstborn of Egypt and passed over the Israelites. In his review, Moses tells the people that God wants them to celebrate communally rather than as individual families at the place God will show them when they get to the promised land
The Meaning of the Unleavened Bread Reviewed (vv. 3-4) In reviewing the Passover, Moses reviewed the meanings of the different parts of the feast. The unleavened bread represents the haste of their exit from Egypt. It represents God’s act of redeeming Israel from slavery in Egypt Moses made sure the people understood that they were to always observe the feast in remembrance of God’s act of mercy towards them.
The Prescribed Place of Worship Reviewed (vv. 5-8) Through Moses, God commanded the people to have a central place of worship. All were to celebrate the Passover in the central worship area and in their own homes Having a central place of worship would promote a standard of worship and national unity in the worship of God How important is it for us to remember and celebrate God’s blessings corporately?
Life Application It is important that we remember and celebrate all those great things that God has done for us. When we don’t remember we can find ourselves drifting away from God to do our own thing. We should always remember that we did not get where we are alone. If it had not been for the grace of God, we would be dead. We should make sure that our future generations don’t forget either. Remember God’s mercy and blessings and celebrate them every day!
Questions for Discussion and Meditation Why is it important to remember and celebrate God’s blessings on our lives? Do you think the church today commemorates God’s blessings as it should? How can we better commemorate God’s the miracles in our lives?