WP 4: Utilization and Marketing Co-ordinator – P1: W HRI (Dave Pink) Partners: P7:ARCHE NOAH, P8: PROSPECIERARA, P9:USOFA, P10:HDRA, P12: UNIBO, P13 KIS
Objective : “To evaluate material for utilization and marketing purposes resulting in specialized and regional products, increasing the diversity of products for the consumer. This includes the evaluation for organic farming systems, which will result in products to fulfil consumer demands in this area.”
Outstanding item from the 2 nd project meeting: List of reference standards for experiments to enable comparison between experiments – Agreed list of standards with Marco and Valerie
Lettuce Reference standards: Amorix – Red oakleaf Vanity – Batavia Miluna – iceberg type crisp Bacia – Romaine/long cos type Delight – short cos type Little gem – cos Nadine – butterhead Krizet – green oakleaf/salad bowl
Chicory/endive reference standards: Alma- plain endive Kalinka – plain endive Natacha- plain endive Minerva – curled endive Kentucky-curled endive Glory- curled endive Cigal- chicory Fiero-chicory Punto-chicory Leonardo-chicory
Corn salad Rocket GalaEruca- common type Diplotaxis – common type Diplotaxis - Grazia Seed supplied to partners by Warwick HRI GRU either at their request or if no information seed of all standards sent.
Activities on utilisation and marketing started Progress to date (from e report 06): Partner: P7P8P9P10 P12 P13 In No Info* Stopped No Info* In* In progress(P13) progress progress P8 List of Chicory for trials agreed in March ‘08 P10 Lettuce trials planted June ’08 P12 Still some confusion over delivery to WP3 and WP4- all activities reported under WP3
Deliverable dateDeliverable description StatusPartner responsible Year 1 D22; month 12 Seeds of the selected material of the three crop groups sent to the partners involved DoneP2/P3/P7/P8 /P9/ P10/P12/P13 + companies Milestone date Milestone descriptionStatusPartner responsible Year 1 month 12Material selected for utilization and marketing Done/ Ongoing P2/P3/P7/P8 /P9/ P10/P12/P13 + companies Year 2 month 18Activities on utilisation and marketing started OngoingP7/P8/P9/ P10/P12/P13
Conclusions for WP4: No reported delay for achieving milestones and deliverables.