Outline of the Gospel of John 1.God’s glory revealed in signs and teachings Chapters God’s glory revealed in conflict and fulfillment Chapters God’s glory revealed in sending Chapters God’s Glory revealed in sacrifice Chapters 18-21
Conflict: Jesus performs some kind of miracle or teaching in the context of each festival meant to challenge the Jewish people with who He really was Fulfillment: each feast is replaced with the reality of who Jesus is as the Messiah, the Son of God
6:1-15 – the miracle of the bread and fish 6:16-21 – the miracle of walking on water 6:22-40 – conflict with the crowd 6:41-59 – conflict with the Jews 6:60-71 – conflict with the disciples
Discipleship calling people to think on a Kingdom plane instead of an earthly plane calling people to make decisions based on faith in the King rather than the logic of men
Imagery from Israel’s past in the Miracle of Bread and Fish On a mountain … Mt. Sinai, Mosaic Law Jesus providing bread … Passover bread Multiplying loaves … Story of Elisha 12 full baskets … Restoration of the 12 tribes