Circles of Sexuality Figure 6.1
Your Sexual Identity Sexual identity – the recognition and acknowledgement of oneself as a sexual being, is determined by a complex interaction of genetic, physiological, environmental, and social factors. Includes your gender identity, gender roles, sexual orientation and gender bias
Sexual Behavior Guidelines Give three answers for each incomplete sentence People who engage in sex should… be able to…. avoid…. understand…. share
Sexual Behavior Guidelines People engaging in sexual behavior should: never be forced avoid difficult situations be prepared communicate clearly respect the word “no” be prepared and honest with yourself share responsibility be considerate of others be respectful of sexual privacy understand and follow sexual harassment guidelines treat others as you would want to be treated
sexual identity Gender is the practice of behaving in masculine or feminine ways as defined by society. Gender roles are the expressions of our maleness or femaleness to others Gender identity is the personal sense or awareness of being masculine or feminine.
gender identity Transgendered- when a person’s gender identity does not match his/her biological sex It is sometimes difficult to express one’s true sexual identity because of gender role stereotypes (being a “real man” or a “real lady”) Transsexual- a person who wishes to change their sex through sexual reassignment surgery.
sexual orientation Heterosexual- attraction toward opposite sex Homosexual- attraction toward same sex Bisexual-attraction to both sexes
Sexual orientation Multifactorial model which incorporates one’s biology, psychology, and social environment Research shows genes, hormones, brain anatomy, parent-child interactions, gender roles are factors that need to be examined to determine origin Origins of sexual orientation are complex Is sexual orientation a choice?
Sexual Orientation Continuum Society likes to put people in “boxes” or assign labels Instead of sexual orientation boxes, or labels, consider a continuum Sexual orientation is complex based on an individual’s attraction, behavior, and self-identification
Analyzing Sexual Preferences Table 6.1
Windows of Sexual Orientation Square A: How would you react if a sibling, close friend, or other loved one confided in you that he/she is gay? Square B: What message have you received from your parents about homosexuality? What message have you received from your religion? Square C: Why do some people have negative feelings about homosexuality? Square D: Do you think people can control who they fall in love with? Why or why not?
Healthy Relationship Guidelines Give three answers for each incomplete sentence. To have a healthy relationship, people should… be able to…. avoid…. understand…. share……