Quality assurance in Education in Norway Combining external evaluation and self-assessment
Stavanger is the 4th largest city in Norway inhabitants. The primary schools in Stavanger have 15,000 pupils between the age 6 to local schools – varying from 80 pupils up to 700 pupils. The schools in Stavanger have a large degree of autonomy from central authorities. The main objective of the Department of Education is to ensure that primary schools implement the national laws and regulations and policy decisions made by the city government of Stavanger.
In the Nordic countries teachers are not subject to external individual evaluation. In Norway internal evaluation (self-evaluation) is now made compulsory, but is not necessarily carried out Local authorities are responsible for evaluating their own educational provision and are themselves evaluated by central education authorities.
20 years ago We had not heard about quality assurance Department of Education - Employing the head teachers -Employing the teachers -Handing out the resourses Head teacher Teachers teaching their classes Then “somebody” started to ask questions about the Norwegian Educational system.
This is what has happened. 9. Grade - Nasjonal tests Reading Mathematics 3. Grade Reading tests Math tests English tests Parents` surveys 10. Grade - Final exams The Norwegian government National Curriculum (subjects and ”human development”) 8. Grade - Nasjonal tests Reading Mathematics English 5. Grade - Nasjonal tests Reading Mathematics English 2. Grade Reading tests Math tests 1. Grade Reading tests Math tests 4. Grade ICT-skills (test) Parents` surveys Pupils` surveys The City of Stavanger Plan of Action for Development of Quality (reading, mathematics and citizenship Subjective quality Objective quality Documents defining quality
And some more important changes Head teacher Teachers teaching their classes Management team Schools are more autonomous. Employing all staff. Budget authorizations. Master's degree in school management Teachers is planning together To some degree teachers evaluate their teaching To some degree school leaders assess teachers practice All teachers have allocated time to discuss school development
And then what?? Then the Norwegian government made self-evaluation compulsory. But is not necessarily carried out. The City of Stavanger aims to create a culture of learning at each and every one of our schools. This means that every school must have knowledge of strengths and weaknesses in their own organization – and learn about the steps that can lead to improvement. Goal: Moving from evaluation towards quality management systems.
Learning organizations …organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together. Peter Senge Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Respons & Dialog Stavanger's system for quality assurance management in schools
Respons & Dialog Every 3rd year the schools in Stavanger receive a report from the Department of Education called Responsen (meaning response). The report includes the schools’ performance in key areas over the last 2- 4 years. After receiving the report, the school discuss the contents of this Responsen document internally, including the Student Council and the Parent Council. National exams Reading surveys Marking Self- evaluation Maths test evaluation Pupil surveys Parent surveys School’s Plan of action ”RESPONSEN” ”DIALOGEN ” Selects 2 key areas of improvment from the Responsen Department of Education selects 2 key areas of improvement Mutual agreements between the Department & school Discussion with The School Board
Respons & Dialog After 6-8 weeks the Department of Education will have a joint discussion meeting with the school. This meeting is called Dialogen (meaning dialogue). The main objective of the Dialogen is to focus on both areas where the school has good practice/results and also agree on measures to strengthen the school in areas with poor results. Participants at the Dialogen are often two employees from the Department of Education, the school`s leadership, representatives of employees, parents and pupils and a local politician. At the end of the meeting we write an mutual agreement on follow-up measures that are necessary to implement. National exams Reading surveys Marking Self- evaluation Maths test evaluation Pupil surveys Parent surveys School’s Plan of action ”RESPONSEN” ”DIALOGEN ” Selects 2 key areas of improvment from the Responsen Department of Education selects 2 key areas of improvement Mutual agreements between the Department & school Discussion with The School Board
Mutual agreement Kvernevik school has already procedures for the implementation and monitoring of the survey results, national tests, student and parent surveys. The challenge in the coming period will be to ensure that existing procedures are incorporated as part of the school's regular operations. Kvernevik school focuses on classroom management and organization of measures to promote pupils' well-being and prevent unwanted behavior. The school will also in the coming period prioritize this work. The school is in this context concerned with long-term and systematic work over time. In relation to education services for minority students will Kvernevik school in the forthcoming period assess the use of resources relative to "early intervention". Key words in this context are flexible schemes and targeted training. For this student group it may also be relevant to consider whether homework can be a part of the students' training program. Eli Gundersen Rune KnutsenEllinor Bryne Dept. of Education rektor
Next step for the schools in Stavanger Management team The head master makes the report based on the schools results. The head master present the findings in the report for the staff The head master initiate internal discussions The school draw conclusions and agrees upon priorities Dialog meeting Final agreement My role is supervising the head master and her/his management team. I help them analyzing results and to draw the “right” conclusions.
Internal evaluation needs to be seen as a process, not as a one-off event. Place evaluation in a continuous cyclical process of quality improvement.
Is there evidence whether our way of following-up schools is improving the quality of schools or helping to spread the culture of quality improvement in the schools”?
“The impact” Report - PriceWaterhouseCoopers 1.Stavanger municipality has developed a quality management system where the use of dialogue is an instrument. The system requires analytical and advisory expertise, capacity and willingness on the municipal level. 2.The schools in Stavanger are satisfied that the Department staff pays attention, cares about them and appreciate how they work and what results they achieve. 3.Parent representatives raise issues that force the school leadership and the teachers to look into new perspectives or ideas. 4.Parents express that the dialogue with the school is good. Besides, the Respons - dialog help them to become more focused on the agenda and interact better with the school. 5.The schools find that the Department has respect for the choices they make. 6.The participants on Dialog meeting express that they are met with openness and respect. They consider themselves as equal partners in the dialogue.
Participation leads to greater acceptance and ownership Employees Pupils Parents City council Departement of Education Unions Universities other partners City council
Participation leads to greater acceptance and ownership In January 2010, the Minister of Education presented the City of Stavanger a national award for our efforts on development of quality programs and evaluation in primary schools. Parents organization City council members Head and advicers Department of Education ME City council
My role is dual. I am both assessing the performance of schools and working with the school community to identify measures for quality improvement. The most important key to success is establishing mutual trust among all stakeholders. Top leadership at municipal level must have a continuous focus and following up on their part to make the internal school assessment work an integral part of the educational life Head masters must be trained in how to work with evaluation reports and how to set up self-assessment processes in their schools.