Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Community and Service Exploring the concepts of self, culture and identity. Reflecting on the similarities and differences between my community and other communities around the world Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? The concept of identity in other countries can differ to that of our own country. The culture and environment of a country determines one’s lifestyle. MYP unit question How does my environment and culture affect my self-identity and lifestyle? Unit title: 我 All about me
Learning objectives: Talk about what you like wearing Learn how to use 的 at the end of a sentence with colours Clothes
chuān 穿 to wear
你喜欢穿什么? 我喜欢穿 ……. What do you like wearing? I like wearing….. Wǒ xǐ huan chuān…… Nǐ xǐ huan chuān shén me
黑大衣 black coat Pattern 1 Pattern 2 黑色的大衣 black coat Adjective + noun Can use either pattern 1 or 2 – mean exactly the same thing!
我的大衣是红的 E.g. My coat is red 的 can also be used at the end of a sentence after a colour 我的大衣是红色的 Literally means: My coat is a red one
我的裤子是蓝的 E.g. My trousers are blue 我的裤子是蓝色的 该你 : In pairs, using this pattern describe what you are wearing. E.g. My top is blue, my coat is red…..
Writing assessment criteria – what you should include to get A*!
Writing – choose a picture and write a paragraph describing that person
ABC 一 二 三 Describe the picture using the colours and the clothing – 他 / 她穿
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