PiratesPirates By Mattie Heathcote
The Deadly Crews Captain Corbett: The man in charge. If you get on the wrong side of him then death will come. Quartermaster Lennon: The person in charge of the food, punishment and treasure. Boatswain beaber: Junior officer who kept things clean. Carpenter Bono: Responsible for fixing on board the ship.
Gunner Bellamy: The chap in charge of the weapons. Surgeon Starr: not many ships had them. They were often kidnapped. Power monkey Presley: A young boy who had to clean the weapons. Cook Fry: the person in charge of the food.
Clothing Hello! I have come to tell you all about pirate clothing and fashion. Many pirates thought it was cool to have a patch over their eye. Some lost their legs which got replaced by a piece of wood. If they lost a hand they would have a hook to replace it. So as you can see they disliked having a missing body part. They often would wore a white shirt, black waist coat and stripy trousers. It was common for them to wear a black hat with a skull on it. They were very fond of jewellery and and all that stuff which they often would wear.(Ringo Starr would have been in heaven with all that jewellery). Another fashionable item of clothing was wearing a hanky on ones head.
Weapons War and Villains If you think a pirate would lead a peaceful life think again it would be full of war death and violence.. Pirates would normally be equipped with a small hand pistol, they would have had rifles as well but they would be used for big fights. They would have had a curved sword called a cutlass. For shooting at ships they used cannons which fired huge black balls.
Punishment If you think that pirates were kind and forgiving people then I would strongly advise you to think again after reading this. If you got on the wrong side of our” friend” Captain Corbett then you had made a large mistake. If you did something small then you would get tied up and whipped a number of times. Or if it was something big then you would walk the plank. I’m sure there were many other punishments but feel it would be Best not to go in to them.