Chapter 13 Industrialization and Nationalism Section 1
SECTION 1 Origins of the Industrial Revolution Before the Industrial Revolution, there was an Agricultural Revolution... What is a revolution?
SECTION 1 Origins of the Industrial Revolution Enclosure Movement
SECTION 1 Origins of the Industrial Revolution Jethro Tull Seed Drill 1701 …resulted in farming becoming less labor intensive and allowed farmers to grow crops on a much larger scale.
SECTION 1 Origins of the Industrial Revolution Charles “ Turnip ” Townshend crop rotation
I. The Industrial Revolution in GB A. The industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1780s for several reasons. 1.Improved farming methods increased the food supply, which drove down food prices allowing families to spend money on manufactured goods. Also, increased food supply caused population growth.
2.Britain had a ready supply of capital, meaning money to invest, for industrial machines and factories. Wealthy entrepreneurs were looking for ways to invest and make profits. 3.Finally, Britain had abundant natural resources and supply of markets to sell goods.
B.In the eighteenth century Great Britain had surged ahead in the production of cotton goods. The two-step process of spinning and weaving had been done by individuals in their homes, a production method called cottage industry.
C.A series of inventions, including the spinning jenny (Richard Arkwright) and the water-powered loom invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1787, made both weaving and spinning faster. Cottage industry was no longer efficient, so workers were brought to the factories.
D.The production of cotton goods became even more productive after the Scottish engineer James Watt improved the steam engine in 1782 to drive machinery. Steam power was used to spin and weave cotton. Steam engines used coal, so factories no longer had to be located near water.
E.By 1840 cotton cloth was Britain ’ s most valuable product. Its cotton goods were sold all over the world.
F.The expanding use of coal transformed the iron industry. Henry Bessemer developed a process called Bessemer Process, which used coal and air to burn away the impurities in pig iron to create steel. Steel was a higher quality of iron which was more durable.
G.Railroads were crucial to the Industrial Revolution, because they were an effective way to move resources and goods. The first public railway line opened in The 32-miles of track went from Liverpool to Manchester, England. Stephenson’s “rocket” went 28mph.
H.The building of railroads became a new job for farm laborers and peasants. This less expensive transportation lowered the price of goods and made for larger markets. More sales meant the need for more goods, which brought about more factories.
I.The factory was an important aspect of the Industrial Revolution, because it created a new kind of labor system. To keep the machines going constantly, workers had to work in shifts. Factory owners had to train the rural laborers to work the same hours each day and to do repetitive work.