INDUSTRY Different employment sectors
Primary –Farming –Fishing –Mining –Forestry
Secondary –Iron and steel making –Ship building –Car manufacturing
Tertiary –Health service –Transportation –Education –Entertainment –Tourism –Finance –Sales and retail, plumbers and mechanics.retail The biggest area of expansion in the tertiary sector in the UK has been in financial and business services. According to government statistics, 25 years ago one in ten people worked in this industry; now this is one in five.
The balance of jobs between the three categories in a particular area or country is called the employment structure. A major reason for some changes in employment structure is mechanisation – the use of machines to do jobs rather than people. Primary (%)Secondary (%)Tertiary (%) Bangladesh Brazil Cameroon France42472 India Italy53263 Japan52570 UK12574 USA22474 Country How do global employment patterns vary?
Employment patterns in UK
Quaternary sector The Quaternary sector also involves providing services, but only services that have to do with information. This includes consultation, research, development, planning and technology. Be warned, this is a new sector and the boundaries are still being decided, so you will find definitions vary. Often it is included in the tertiary sector figures.
Quaternary –information services, such as computing and ICT (information and communication technologies) –consultancy (offering advice to businesses) –R&D (research, particular in scientific fields). –The quaternary sector is sometimes included with the tertiary sector, as they are both service sectors. Between them, the tertiary and quaternary sectors are the largest part of the UK economy, employing 76% of the workforce.
Employment structure