Presentation of the Directorate for Education Bernard Hugonnier OECD Deputy Director for Education
OECD’s mission and role OECD’s mission Article 1 of the OECD Convention defines the Organization's mission as being to: Support economic growth Boost employment Raise living standards Maintain financial stability Assist other countries’ economic development Contribute to growth in world trade OECD’s role: helping governments to Develop diagnosis Compare policy experiences Seek answers to common problems Identify good practices Co-ordinate domestic and international policies
The OECD’ governance Governance: a Secretary general + four deputies + a Council (34 Members countries)+ 34 delegations Twenty five senior policy committees and two hundred subsidiary bodies Sixteen directorates: macro economy, employment and social affairs, sciences/technology/industry, agriculture, taxation, finance and enterprise affairs, education, development aid, development Center, environment, governance and territorial development, statistics, SMEs, relationships with non-members, nuclear energy, IEA
Directorate for Education Main objective Help OECD countries to improve the quality, effectiveness, equity and efficiency of their educational systems
Directorate for Education Main activities 1.Statistics and indicators Education at a Glance 2.Education and training policy Country reviews: Portugal, Greece, Egypt, Chile Thematic reviews: e.g. Teacher policy, Tertiary education ; School leadership; VET; Equity in education; Assessment & Evaluation Surveys: TALIS GPS 3.Assessment of learning outcomes and skills PISA, PIAAC, AHELO 4.Innovation and forward looking Innovation: Formative assessment; brain research; innovative learning environments Forward looking: Schooling for tomorrow, University Futures Skills strategy
Medium term strategic objectives ( ) 1.Developing skills for lifelong employability, economic growth and social progress 2.Raising teaching & learning effectiveness 3.Improving governance & leveraging reform 4.Fostering social inclusion and social mobility
Governance of programmes 1.Education Policy Committee (EDPC) All OECD countries Work with Partner Countries which includes China, Brazil, South Africa... 2.Governing Board of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) All OECD countries 3.Governing Board of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) All OECD countries + 35 other countries. 4.Governing Board of the Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) programme 180 members, including around 130 individual universities. 5.Governing Board of the Centre for Effective Learning Environment (CELE) 12 Member countries involved 6.Governing Board of the programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Most OECD countries 7.Governing Board of TALIS Most OECD countries 8. AHELO Group of national experts 9. GNE of thematic reviews Budget EDPC work financed by the OECD regular budget Other work (CERI, PISA, IMHE, CELE, PIAAC, AHELO, TALIS) financed by participating countries