The one with the fake party SooJung Choi HyunKyung On
Private business Rachel doesn’t seem to care about whether Joshua got a divorce or not. Because Rachel wants to keep company with him. What do you think if you are in this situation especially in Korea? Well, congratulations, so do you love her? Yeah, it was my first date since the uh, since the divorce.
Bon Voyage Party Bon Voyage means exclamation said to a person about to travel or expressing good wishes for a safe and pleasant journey. In Korea, we have dinner or something together and just say ‘Good bye’ or ‘Take care of yourself’. No party. Because the party like this is not common in Korea.
Touch Friends Oh, could somebody give me a hand with this zipper? Yea h. Up! Joey starts wiping lint off her back, but goes at little too far and Rachel just glares at him. He stops, gives her the ‘Okay’ symbol and walks away. Why doesn’t Rachael ask Monica? Have you guys ever experienced like this situation? How do you feel if you are in this situation?
Kiss anybody The whole group is seated on the floor and Rachel is explaining the rules of Spin the Bottle. Emily wants to go first. Emily spins the bottle and it lands on Joey. Joey said “Welcome to America.” And then, they kiss both. Have you ever kissed male friends? (not a boyfriend)
Similarities There are no similarities found between two culture in this segment of the episode.
Goffman’s Communication theory Channel open/close Preempt signals
Channel open/close ***Greeting sequence*** Emily: Hello? Rachael: Surprise!!! Joshua: Hi! Rachael: Care for a cherry? ***Question-answer sequence*** Phoebe: Ooh, yeah. Then what are you going to put on top of that? Joey: Pastrami Phoebe: Ooh yeah! Then umm, what goes on top of the salami? Joey: Pastrami
Preempt signals ***Preempt signals*** Rachael: Oops, sorry. Listen, we-we have to have a party tonight! Actually, we have to have one in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans.
Grice’s 4 Conversation Maxims Truthfulness Quantity
Truthfulness Rachael: Oh no-no, no-no they don’t want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out of the store. Rachael: Oh, it’s just an anti-theft device. Rachael: Well, it was all Ross’s idea. Ross: You really didn’t know that? Ross: No-no-no, umm, actually American surprise parties are-are-are very short. It’s usually, “Surprise!” And then, “Oh my God, I’m so surprised-good-bye!”
Quantity Rachael: We have to have a surprise Bon Voyage party for Emily. But it’s actually for Joshua. Look, he said he’s not ready to date, so I had to invite him to a party if I wanted to see him outside of work, and now I have the perfect opportunity to seduce him!
Conversational Implicature Rachael: Well, congratulations, so do you love her? Joey: Now that’s a thinker. Rachael: No? Y’know, I can tie one of these into a knot using just my tongue. Rachael: Yeah, I did. I needed my lucky dress. Monica: And lucky means, more cleavage?
The End~ Thank you~!