Lorraine Maclauchlan Forest Entomologist, Southern Interior Region Ministry of Natural Resource Operations Kamloops, B.C.
Mountain Pine Beetle 546,844262,942 Douglas-fir Beetle 2,4561,532 Spruce Beetle 11,2493,818 Western Balsam Bark Beetle 97,324112,382 Ha affected
98,064 ha in 2010 (37% decline) 98,064 ha in 2010 (37% decline)
9,878 ha in 2010 (91% decline) 9,878 ha in 2010 (91% decline)
155,000 ha in 2010 (57% decline) 155,000 ha in 2010 (57% decline)
1.96 mill. ha pine age years 14.9 mill. ha mature pine 2008 SIR = 7,596 ha mapped in 2010
5,770 ha of MPB mortality
Spruce beetle – 29,922 ha half in the Central Cariboo Districthalf in the Central Cariboo District Decrease in the OkanaganDecrease in the Okanagan Still active in spots in the Kamloops & Cascades DistrictsStill active in spots in the Kamloops & Cascades Districts Douglas-fir beetle – 10,809 ha Sounds pretty low – not the whole pictureSounds pretty low – not the whole picture spot data not finalized & FB often not well represented in overview mappingspot data not finalized & FB often not well represented in overview mapping
Western balsam bark beetle – 186,284 ha continuous, annual mortality by WBBBcontinuous, annual mortality by WBBB rarely large areas of mortality, but regular spots throughout landscaperarely large areas of mortality, but regular spots throughout landscape Annual attack by Dyrocoetes confusus
Defoliators in the Southern Interior
Defoliating Insect Ha defoliated Western Spruce Budworm 503,999 Two Year Cycle Budworm 91,845 Douglas-fir Tussock Moth 16,303 Western Blackheaded Budworm 93,241 Western Hemlock Looper 3,318 Aspen Serpentine Leaf Miner 205,188 Forest Tent caterpillar 128,258 Bruce Spanworm 1,682,631 Hectares defoliated in BC in 2010
Population trend of western hemlock looper in 3 Districts (ave. # moths caught per 6-trap cluster)
1916 – 2010 western spruce budworm defoliation
2009 western spruce budworm defoliation
2010 western spruce budworm defoliation & spray blocks
47,687 ha
WSB predicted defoliation levels for 2011 – number of sites falling into each severity category
2011 should be collapse year 17,512 ha 17,956 ha 2,597 ha Douglas-fir Tussock Moth – an eruptive defoliator
Current outbreak
2,597 ha 17,512 ha trace 17,956 ha 1,4477, Spray Program 1,447 ha treated with NPV (virus) 7,637 ha treated with B.t.k Spray Program 1,447 ha treated with NPV (virus) 7,637 ha treated with B.t.k.
Douglas-fir tussock moth: 6,615 ha (over 25 blocks) with B.t.k. Pavillion Lake Pavillion Lake MacLean Lake MacLean Lake W. Kamloops W. Kamloops Penticton/Summerland area (tentative) Penticton/Summerland area (tentative) Western spruce budworm: 46,000 ha with B.t.k. 21,800 in the Cariboo 21,800 in the Cariboo 25,000 ha in Kamloops 25,000 ha in Kamloops
MPB still active in south & may decline if winter cold snaps continue MPB still active in south & may decline if winter cold snaps continue Pockets of western pine beetle active in south Pockets of western pine beetle active in south Budworm declining but still over large area – increasing in south Budworm declining but still over large area – increasing in south Tussock moth projected to collapse in most areas after 2011 defoliation Tussock moth projected to collapse in most areas after 2011 defoliation western hemlock looper may outbreak in 2011 western hemlock looper may outbreak in 2011 Other bark beetles active/scattered Other bark beetles active/scattered