The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement April 28, 2014
Should we take a stand as individuals if we observe injustice in our communities and why or why not? Cite evidence to support your answer!
*Cornell Notes chapter 28 assigned sections, see school website for specific sections, Friday May 02, 2014 Remember that all Cornell Notes must conclude with a summary and must be labeled according to S.P.R.I.T.E.
I will be able to analyze secondary and/or primary resources in order to understand the social and political issues that defined the modern day Civil Rights Movement.
C=conversation, we will be sharing out during group discussion, be RESPECTFUL do not speak over one another and be an active listener. H=help, please raise your hand A=activity, you are responding to the text, your peers, annotating the text through OPVL. M=movement, you not all you materials have been given to your groups, HOWVER ONE TEAM MEMBER WILL PRESENT AND MOVE TO THE FFRONT OF THE CLASS. P=participation means no heads down, no cell phones, we are supporting our arguments citing evidence from the text.
Questions? Review OPVL
Annotate your text, be an active reading, ask questions, make connections, what do you think, and/or why is this important? You have your choice, are you reading as a group or as individuals?
Now use your OPVL outlined questions and work smarter not harder, answer only the questions that apply to the documents that you have read. You are working as a group however each team member must record their responses.
Choose one member of your team to present your document Answer the mini-OPVL graphic organizer as your peers present Each group has 2 ½ minutes to present NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED TO FILL OUT THE GRAPHIC ORGANIZER FOR YOUR OWN GROUP
Being reflective, how am I feeling about my growth in history and why? Cite evidence to support your answer