Learning what we learn by Štěpánka and photos by Kateřina (CZ)
Our timetable
Biology Twice a week we have biology In this subject we learn e. g. about nature, human body or about cells
Czech language This is our main subject because we learn here our language CZECH (We must know mainly grammar) We have Czech three times a week It is divided into literature and grammar lessons
Economics Economics is the subject on which we take graduation exam It revolves around finances We have it on Tuesday and Wednesday
Civic lesson This subject is largely about our nation For example we learn about our politics here or a little of sociology, psychology We have it two times a week
English English is OBLIGATORY, but easy for us We have some good projects for example Edison eTwinning … Also this is the only subject what we have four times a week
Geography Here we learn something new and interesting about the world About you (Greece and Slovakia) And we learn it on Wednesday and on Friday
So I think you all know what this subject is It is about history of our country and around the world We have it 2x a week History
Chemistry Chemistry is a technical subject, where we learn for example appointing to the chemical formulas It´s two twice a week
Informatics It is working on PC We learn to work with programs
Languages Before we got into the first year, everyone chose one more language what we wanted to learn or what we were interested in. E They are: German French Russian
Mathematics Here we calculate many and many examples It is mainly for logical thinking We have it three times a week
Physics Lesson in which we calculate many examples too We discuss various theories of some famous physicists and mathematicians This subject we have 2x a week
Sport Sport or physical training is lesson of exercise We like it We have it on Monday morning but two lesson only
Written communication This is work on PC too But in this subject we havr to write with all ten fingers without watching them Now we learn to write business letters We have it also twice a week
They were all of our subjects. We have some happy and some less happy subjects. Some are difficult for us and some aren´t… But we always manage everything as a team. 2.L