Text Structures
Text Structure: Description Definition: Author explains a topic idea, person, place or thing by listing characteristics, features, and examples Focus is on one thing and its components. Signal Words: For example Characteristics are Such as Looks like Consists of For instance Most important Concept Map
Text Structure: Sequence Definition: Describes the order of events or how to do or make something. Signal Words: First, second, third Next Then, after Before, prior to Finally On (date) At (time) Graphic Organizer Examples: Timeline Cycle/Circle
The text structure of Compare/Contrast Description: The author explains how two or more things are alike and/or how they are different. Cue words: Differs from Similar to In contrast Alike Same as As well as On the other hand Both Either, or Not only, but also Yet, although, but However Tall, taller, tallest
The graphic organizers Venn Diagram Different Same
Event 1 Event 2 Different Same
Text Structure of Cause and Effect Description: The author lists one or more causes (why something happened) and the resulting effects (what happened). Purpose is to explain why or how something happens, exists, or works. Cue words: Reasons why Reasons for If... Then As a result of Therefore Because of In order to Finally Leads or leads to Effects of Caused by Result Outcome Impact Influenced by Brought about by
Cause: Why something happened; the event that made another event occur The cause: someone pushed the first domino
Effect: The event that happened because of the cause: the result The result: the rest of the dominoes fall down
Effect Causes Graphic Organizer
Effect #1 Effect #2 Effect #3 Cause Graphic Organizer
Text Structure: Problem and Solution Description: The author states one or more problems and lists one or more possible solutions for the problem. May also describe a problem with the pluses and minuses of all solutions. Cue Words: Problem is... Dilemma is... Puzzle is... Solved Question Answer Because Since... This led to The main difficulty One possible solution One challenge Therefore, This led to... If …. then, …..
Problem and Solution Graphic Organizers: Fishbone Problem Solutions
Problem Solution Topic of concern:
Topic Problem Possible Solutions Outcome