Tamia C. Ellwood and Kimblee Barnes ECED 4300A Fall 2010 Dr. Tonja Root 5 th grade Ellwood, T.C.and Barnes, K..(2010) Definition Poetry PowerPoint. Unpublished PowerPoint, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
Stage of Writing: Prewriting a definition poem PLO: The student will consider the audience, point of view, purpose, and format requirements when organizing a graphic organizer for a definition poem.
ELA5W1: The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student a. Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.
creatively defines an intangible thought or actual object evokes a strong feeling or mood Uses metaphoric language Paints a picture
During prewriting: Use your senses Organize metaphoric language describe a thought or object Write your thoughts
Looks Smells Feels Taste Sounds It’s Purpose Use metaphoric language to describe your object or thought: Ellwood, T.C. (2010) Definition Poem Graphic Organizer. Unpublished Graphic Organizer, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
What is a Mother? A mother is someone who is good for advice, Someone you can count on to keep secrets, Someone to help you when you need it, Someone who shares their stories with you, And most of all, someone to love you By Nicole
wpmu/poetryslam2009/ categ ory /definition-poems /
Practice Activity Remember you are in 5 th grade The topic of our definition poem is fall. The audience is your classmates. As a class we will complete this definition poem graphic organizer. Raise your hand and tell me how you would define Fall. Hint: use your five senses.
Before the lesson the teacher will: Gather a variety of fall items. (Students must be able to identify each item.) Place items in a bag. Students pick one item from the bag.
Topic: Fall items Audience: Parents, classmates, and teacher. Pick one item from my bag. Examine the item. Think about how to creatively describe the object. Complete the definition poem graphic organizer using. Use creative words and your five senses to paint a picture of your item. Assessment Continued
Stages of writing: Drafting a definition poem GPS: ELA5W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. .
PLO: The students will begin to draft the ideas they completed on the graphic organizer into sentence formation
Form of writing: Definition Poetry The students will be forming sentences to describe the five senses. Stage of Writing: Drafting During drafting, you will use the graphic organizer developed in the prewriting stage to begin your sentence and paragraph formation.
Happiness What is happiness Smiling with joy Laughing with friends Doing your own thing Doing a hobby Spending time freely --by BC
BC. (2006, April 30). Retrieved October 25, 2010, from Ms. Maddox Eagles: m06- 1/maddox/2006/04/definition_poem. html
You will now draft a definition poem. You will use our teacher constructed graphic organizer to complete the poem using all of the ideas listed. You will add details to these ideas to draft complete sentences. The combination of these completed sentences will be your definition poem draft.
You are now 5 th grade students so we will use the graphic organizer we developed earlier and draft those thoughts on paper to where they make sense to your audience. Make sure to include all of your ideas on your graphic organizer and do not worry about grammar and spelling, as we will correct than later. Now add details to your ideas from the graphic organizer to form a draft.