Industrial Relations Dr. Anil Mehta
“A relationship between management and employees or among employees and their organisations, that characterise and grow out of employment” Dale Yoder “Industrial relations deals with either the relationships between the state and employers’ organisations and the workers organisations or the relations between occupational organisations themselves ILO
Unitary Approach Pluralistic Approach Marxist Approach Industrial Relations Approaches to IR
Essential Conditions for Sound Industrial Relations Existence of a strong,well organized and democratic trade union Existence of sound and organised employers unions Spirit of collective bargaining and willingness to resort to voluntary negotiations Maintenance of industrial peace
Significance of industrial Relations Industrial peace Industrial democracy Industrial productivity Benefits to the workers
Causes of Industrial Disputes Employment Nationalization Administration- related issues Recognition Sympatric-strikes Psychological/social issues Political causes
Forms of Industrial Disputes Strikes Lockouts Gharao Picketing and boycott
Employees Associations Government employers Employer Associations Courts and Tribunals Employer-Employee Relations_ Parties to IR
Industrial disputes:Preventive Machinery Trade unions Joint Consultations Works Committee Joint Management Councils Standing orders Grievance Procedure Code of Discipline
Industrial Disputes:Settlement Machinery Conciliation Conciliation Officer Board of Conciliation Court of Enquiry Voluntary Arbitration Adjudication Labour Court Industrial Tribunal National Tribunal